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Private colleges celebrate exam successes

Private colleges celebrate exam successes

Thursday 22 August 2024

Private colleges celebrate exam successes

Thursday 22 August 2024

GCSE results at the three private colleges are broadly in line with last year, with the public secondary schools yet to publish their results.

2024 is the first year of results not featuring special place holder students at the private schools after the abolition of the 11+ and the move to a fully comprehensive secondary education model.

Results from the States’ secondary schools will come out later today after students unveiled their grades out of envelopes this morning. 

93.6% of students at Elizabeth College achieved grades 9 to 4, which is equivalent to A* to C, while over two fifths were graded 9 to 7, equivalent to the top two grades. 

Seven Year 11’s are celebrating nine or more subject passes graded 9 to 7, while over a fifth of grades were 9 and 8.

At The Ladies’ College 51 students sat exams this year, with two-thirds of grades 9 to 7, and 97% grades 9 to 4.  

98% of students achieved at least a grade 4, equivalent to a C, in Maths and English, while over 96% of students got the equivalent of five A* to C including both key subjects. 

Blanchelande College is also praising students after they improved on last years’ average set of results. 

The average grade at the school was 6, with 91% of students achieving at least a grade 4 in English, with 83% and 91% achieving that grade or higher in Maths and the sciences respectively.  

Nationally, the proportion of grades marked 4 and above is 82% in Northern Ireland, 67.4% in England, and 61.7% in Wales.  

The pass rate has fallen in each country, but is largely in line with 2019 results. Exams were replaced with teacher-assessed grades in 2020 and 2021 due to the pandemic, while 2022 results were benchmarked against these years. 

private colleges

Pictured: None of the Year 11 students attending the colleges this school year were awarded places through the 11+.

Elizabeth College Principal Jenny Palmer said “hard work and commitment was on show on the steps of the College this morning. 

“I am proud of our students for everything they have achieved... as well as the support they have received from their families and our dedicated staff,” she said. 

“Many of our students will carry on to study A-Levels here at College whilst others are heading onto a variety of pathways including rugby and football scholarships at schools in the UK, professional padel contracts with study alongside, and other vocational training courses.” 

“I wish those students moving on to new pathways all the very best with their next chapters.” 

Daniele Harford-Fox, Principal at The Ladies’ College, highlighted the impressive dedication of her students. 

“GCSEs can often feel like an overwhelming barrage of facts and exam techniques, but that’s not the case at College. Our students are developing their own voices, their drive, and their independent study skills while fully embracing the innovative teaching methods of our brilliant teachers,” she said. 

“The things that makes me most proud are not the individual grades but the progress each girl makes.” 

Blanchelande’s Acting Principal Mike Elward said the results, including an overall pass rate of 87%, are a culmination of years of hard work by students and teachers alike. 

Blanchelande has a wide ability intake, and we pride ourselves on our inclusiveness. Many of our students will be delighted with their results which position them very strongly for A-Level study and other post-16 pathways.”  

Pictured top: Ladies' College students celebrate their GCSE success.



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