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Students set their sights on diverse paths

Students set their sights on diverse paths

Thursday 17 August 2023

Students set their sights on diverse paths

Thursday 17 August 2023

The students receiving A-level results this morning are setting off on different paths with some heading straight into work, others are off to university while some are taking gap years.

Express spoke to some at the Sixth Form Centre, Ladies College and Elizabeth College.

Sixth Form Centre

sixth form centre a levels 2023

Pictured (l-r): Ewan Sarchet,  Callum O'Regan, James Roussel. 

Among those collecting their results this morning were friends Ewan Sarchet, Callum O'Regan and James Roussel.

Callum said he was "pretty happy" with his grades, admitting they "could have been better, but (they're) not too bad".

The three of them have different plans for the coming years with Ewan heading to work, Callum is off to Winchester University to study Computer Science and James plans to start work in the finance sector. 

sixth form centre a levels 2023

Pictured (l-r): Caleb Vinning and Guy Gillott.

Caleb Vinning was waiting until later to open his envelope saying nothing can change his results now so he was happy to wait until more of his friends were there.

He's off to university to study Education Psychology

Guy Gillott had opened his results and was pleased to see his place at Southampton University to study Geography confirmed.

sixth form centre a levels 2023

Pictured (l-r): Abi Stevens and Lucy May Hockey.

Friends Abi Stevens and Lucy May Hockey had big smiles on their faces as they collected their envelopes this morning.

Abi is now planning for university to study Real Estate while Lucy May will be looking to go into full time work.

Grammar School and Sixth Form Principal Keiran James said there was a lovely atmosphere this morning with students gathering to open their results.

"It's been busy this morning as normal with lots of happy stories of students who have achieved their places at university or in employment. There's been some disappointment, as as we've heard with the recalibration of the grades back to pre-pandemic levels and we've certainly seen a dip in our results slightly compared to the last few years but generally the story has been that students have achieved their grades to go to university or employment and there are a lot of happy faces." 

Ladies College

The Ladies’ College said it is delighted with "another year of strong results" with over a third of the pupils achieving A*/A grades and two-thirds of the results being A*-B.

Both of those groupings are higher than the 2019 examination results which reflect this year's results more closely than the pandemic years which were graded differently. 

87% of Ladies College students have been accepted at their chosen universities studying a variety of courses including Dentistry, Medicine, Law, Architecture, Motor Sport Management, Illustration and Musical Theatre. 

ladies college a levels 2023

Pictured: Amelie Smith was very pleased with her A Level results.

Amelie Smith was with her dad and grandmother when she opened her results and both looked as proud of her as she did of herself.

With three A* grades in English Literature, Psychology and Religious Studies she is now off to York University to study English Literature.

"There was one subject I was a bit concerned about," she said, grinning before hugging her grandmother again.

Summer Domaille was as thrilled with her results which have confirmed her place at Rennes University to study a French foreign language course. 

"I feel very happy," she said. "I'm very excited."

Summer's family are relocating to France this year too with her dad and sister both with her to collect her results this morning.

Her younger sister will be sitting her GCSEs at a school local to the family home an hour away from Rennes. 

ladies college a levels 2023

Pictured: Summer Domaille.

The Ladies' College Principal Daniele Harford-Fox congratulated all of her students.

"There were some wonderful stories, from the students who achieved a string of A*s to the wider variety of subjects they are going to study. There are students pursuing courses in everything from Marine Biology to Architecture and Neuroscience, demonstrating how diverse and wonderful our student body is.

"I’m so proud of them for what they have achieved today, but I’m even more proud of what they have achieved over the course of their time with us and I’m excited to see how their voice will contribute to the world."

Elizabeth College

Four Elizabeth College students have accepted places at Oxford University with others confirming places at top UK universities including Imperial College and Kings College London, Durham, Exeter, and Manchester.

The newest Old Elizabethans will be studying a range of subjects including aerospace engineering, agriculture, computer science, drama and theatre, law and french and geography.

The College said this year has seen a shift in the choices that students are making post A level study with a number securing places on training schemes with "prestigious financial houses in Guernsey". Others have secured places on local courses within the health sector.

Elizabeth college A Level results 2023

Pictured: These Elizabeth College students have all got jobs lined up in the finance sector. 

The Elizabeth College pass rate was 99%. 11% of those results were graded A*, 31% A*/A and 78% at A*/C. Two students achieved four A* grades and 10 students achieved three or more A*/A grades.

Principal Jenny Palmer said "it is great to see the breadth of student aspirations and ambitions reflected in this range of pathways".

Blanchelande College


A-level recalibration affects local students 

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