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Public can ride along on electric bus trial

Public can ride along on electric bus trial

Thursday 19 January 2023

Public can ride along on electric bus trial

Thursday 19 January 2023

A zero-emissions electric bus will be trialled in Guernsey for a few days from today to see how the new vehicles would work on the islands bus routes.

The Committee for the Environment & Infrastructure and CT Plus have teamed up with Pelican Engineering for the trial.

Data on energy consumption and manoeuvrability on the island’s roads will be collected as it its trialled on all 24 local routes, to see if similar vehicles would be viable for the island's fleet.

The bus, a Yutong E9, has 23 seats and further room for up to 62 passengers including wheelchairs.

The vehicle is believed to be able to travel around 200 miles on a single charge, while the average daily mileage of a Guernsey bus is around 100 miles. 

The manufacturer’s website states that the bus is “highly manoeuvrable, and ideal for both rural and urban application”, with the first delivery of orders set for March 2023. 

The public are invited for a mock bus trip on Friday 20 January which will take multiple short journeys around the St. Peter Port area from Stand A.


Pictured: Another angle of the Yutong E9.

An electric bus trial took place in August 2021 as Environment & Infrastructure looked to complete the final phase of its bus replacement programme.

The Higher Steed was let loose on local roads with the key aims of identifying the best width, range, and capacity for local purposes. 

Deputy Lindsay de Sausmarez, President of Environment & Infrastructure yesterday noted that the States have agreed to reduce carbon emissions by 57% by 2030 and transport is the “biggest contributor”.

“Trialling this bus also supports the aims of our Transport Strategy as we work to reduce the number of miles that islanders travel in private motor vehicles, which are the biggest single source of transport-related greenhouse gas emissions,” she said. 

“To reduce these emissions, we need to give people more choice, so that they have more viable lower-emissions options to choose from. When it comes to buses, we must ensure they are easy to use, comfortable and reliable.” 

Deputy Lindsay De Sausmarez

Pictured: Deputy Lindsay de Sausmarez.

CT Plus Director Kevin Hart said technology has improved since the last trial and hopes the test will show “what is possible in the very near future

Ian Downie, Head of Yutong UK, added: “We are honored to be working in partnership with such a forward-thinking passenger transport provider as CT Plus. The benefits of our vehicles are that they are tried, tested and proven around the world. 

“Not only are they zero emission, but they also have unrivalled passenger comfort, including full air conditioning. This will encourage the travelling public to leave their cars at home use public transport, further decarbonising Guernsey.” 


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