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Wedding to take centre stage at Pride

Wedding to take centre stage at Pride

Wednesday 31 July 2024

Wedding to take centre stage at Pride

Wednesday 31 July 2024

A couple will be married during this year's Channel Islands Pride - in what is believed to be a world first.

CI Pride Director, and wedding celebrant Ellie Jones says it will be a landmark occasion for the couple, and their thousands of guests.

“I am super honoured to be officiating what we believe to be the first ever legal wedding on a Pride stage," she said.

"The two people getting married used to attend the LGBTQ+ young group many years ago and they asked if I would marry them, which I was very honoured to be asked to do. I threw the suggestion out there that they could get married at Pride, and they said YES! Our Pride Brides are definitely going to have one heck of a wedding party!”

Ms Jones is a celebrant with Queerly Beloved - described as offering "non-traditional wedding celebrants and celebrations on the charming island of Guernsey!"

Getting married on a stage in Market Square, during an event attended by thousands of people definitely 'ticks the box' as "non-traditional".


Pictured: A previous CI Pride event in Guernsey (Paul Chambers).

An estimated 8,000 people attended CI Pride when it was last held in Guernsey in 2022.

Ms Jones is expecting a similar turn out this time round, meaning the betrothed couple could have the largest wedding celebration in Guernsey's history based on the number of people attending.

The exciting moment will happen on the stage at Market Square after the Pride parade has taken place with thousands of people walking from Candie Gardens, down the High Street and past the Town Church.

"One of the biggest things that has changed since we first had CI Pride is the fact that same sex marriage (was legalised) in that first year we had Pride so the link to be able to do that on the Pride stage now is awesome.

"We think it's a world first," Ms Jones said. 

"We have unusual marriage laws in Guernsey which means people can get married anywhere and any time, they're not restricted to a building.

"It was really restrictive, particularly for LGBTQ people because we can't get married in churches and a general rule, so it really restricted places we could get married to the Greffe and St James, and then only on weekdays because the Greffier only works on a weekday. (The States) changed the marriage laws about two years ago and opened it up to wedding celebrants to actually do the legal part of it, rather than just the ceremonial part of it. 

"If anyone wants to research it and prove us wrong, that would be great, but the quick searches we've done suggest that when people say they've got married at Pride we know that their laws don't allow that to happen so it will have been a blessing during the Pride parade, so we believe it is a world first."

Ms Jones said she wants to find a way to engage the crowd in the ceremony so that they're part of the wedding as well.

"Getting married at Pride is going to have a slight gimmicky feel to it, but we're going to make that as little as possible," she said. "We've got some ideas for how we're going to do that so it all works."

CI Pride takes place in Guernsey on Saturday 7 September, 2024.

The event is held in Guernsey and Jersey on alternate years, with St Peter Port last hosting the main event in September 2022.

Events are happening all weekend as part of Pride, starting on Friday 6 September with Infamous Drag Bingo, followed by the main CI Pride events on Saturday 7 September including entertainment at Candie Gardens, the Pride Parade, entertainment in Market Square, and the Official CI Pride Afterparty at Canvas.

To round off the weekend on Sunday 8 September there is a relaxed Sundowner BBQ at The Peninsula.

CI Pride is a family-friendly event with all of the entertainment free for everyone to enjoy. The main events will also be in alcohol-free zones this year. 

In the HSBC-sponsored Family Zone, there will be find music, crafts, art, virtual reality games, story telling, as well as festival hair, henna and glitter stations, photo booths and all other manner of activities.

Candida Collar, HSBC Head of Wealth and Personal Banking in Guernsey said: “We are very proud to be sponsoring the Channel Island Pride event and Family Zone once again this year. ‘We value difference’ is one of our four global values. We were founded on the strength of different experiences, attributes and voices. It’s great to celebrate with the wider community how together we can champion inclusivity.

“We’ll also have performances from Aida H Dee of Drag Queen Story Hour UK, Guernsey Bubbles and the Cheshire Performing Arts Pride Choir.”


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