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Renewables take centre stage at 41st BIC

Renewables take centre stage at 41st BIC

Monday 24 June 2024

Renewables take centre stage at 41st BIC

Monday 24 June 2024

The latest meeting of the British-Irish Council Summit included a discussion on the economic and social opportunities of renewables - a topic considered to be a priority by the members at the meeting.

Held in the Isle of Man, Guernsey was represented by Deputy Lyndon Trott, the President of the Policy and Resources Committee.

“It was a pleasure to represent Guernsey at the 41st British-Irish Council Summit in the Isle of Man today, hosted by the Isle of Man Government," he said. "I was pleased to have the opportunity to attend this forum again, having attended summits before during my previous times as Chief Minister."

The summit focused on political developments within BIC Member Administrations as well as the discussion on renewables.

"We used the Summit as an opportunity to explain the significant contribution Guernsey makes to the UK economy through Guernsey’s financial services industry," added Deputy Trott.

The British-Irish Council was formed in 1998, following negotiations between the two countries governments known as the Good Friday Agreement.

"This year marks the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the British-Irish Council as one of the institutions created under the Belfast/Good Friday Agreement in 1998 with the objective of promoting positive and practical relationships among the people of these islands and to provide a forum for consultation and co-operation," explained Deputy Trott.

"Guernsey is proud of the role it plays in the BIC, as a critical part of the Good Friday Agreement, and the opportunity it provides to engage on a wide range of policy matters with Heads of Administration from across Ireland, the UK and the Crown Dependencies to promote the harmonious and mutually beneficial development of the totality of relationships among the people of these islands," he said.

"The Council had the opportunity to discuss measures to unlock the economic and social opportunities of renewables which is a shared ambition across all of the BIC Member Administrations, and the summit allowed for the sharing of experiences and best practice which can be used to inform the development of our own policies on island. 

I look forward to the BIC forum continuing to develop and evolve as the political relationships between its Member Administrations continue to adapt, and it remains an invaluable forum for Guernsey to be a part of.”

The Summit was opened by the Isle of Man’s Chief Minister, Hon Alfred Cannan MHK.

The UK Government was represented by the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, the Rt Hon Chris Heaton-Harris MP.  The Irish Government was represented by the Taoiseach, Simon Harris TD.  The Northern Ireland Executive was represented by First Minister, Michelle O’Neill MLA (virtual); deputy First Minister, Emma Little-Pengelly MLA; Junior Minister, Aisling Reilly MLA and Minister for the Economy, Conor Murphy MLA. 

The First Minister of Scotland, John Swinney MSP, represented the Scottish Government and the Cabinet Secretary for Economy, Energy and Welsh Language, Jeremy Miles MS, represented the Welsh Government. The Government of Jersey was represented by Chief Minister, Deputy Lyndon Farnham.

Pictured top: Deputy Lyndon Trott. 

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