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Ferry passenger numbers up, especially in Jersey

Ferry passenger numbers up, especially in Jersey

Friday 06 September 2024

Ferry passenger numbers up, especially in Jersey

Friday 06 September 2024

Jersey saw an additional 20,000 passengers on its UK and French ferry routes this summer - compared to a 1,000 passenger increase on Guernsey's equivalent routes.

Condor has confirmed the summer passenger numbers on its services with a "marked improvement in the number of passengers carried to and from" Jersey compared to an "improvement" on Guernsey's routes.

Between 14 July and 3 September 2024, Condor says it carried an additional 19,217 car and foot passengers on Jersey's UK and French services compared to summer 2023.

In Guernsey, the same period saw an additional 1,084 car and foot passengers carried compared to last summer. 

The 2% increase on Guernsey's UK and French services was dwarfed by the 16% rise in Jersey's passenger numbers.

The ferry firm has also confirmed a large increase in inter-island travel - up by 75%, from 8,766 during summer 2023 to 15,369 this summer.

Overall, the Ferm says it's seen a passenger carrying increase of 26,874 - or 14% year on year.

Christophe Mathieu, Condor’s CEO said he was 'naturally pleased' to see the positive results.


Pictured: Condor's CEO Christophe Mathieu. 

He also confirmed that he thinks the altered summer schedule was a contributing factor to the small increase of passenger numbers on Guernsey's routes.

"The figures are very encouraging and would not have been achievable under the previous timetable which was adjusted at the start of the season," he said.

"This offered improved frequency of sailings from St Malo and Jersey, along with extra capacity from the UK thanks to Condor Islander’s first summer in service."

Mr Mathieu added that Condor is already seeing strong growth in late Summer and Autumn bookings across all routes with car volumes now returning to pre-Covid levels.

"The success of this summer, coupled with positive indicators for the shoulder months and into next year, offers optimism that 2025 could be a good season for the Island.

"We will be working closely once again with our industry partners, including the Guernsey Hospitality Association, Visit Guernsey and UK and continental tour operators, to maximise the opportunity."

With the tender process for the Channel Islands ferry services still in process, no decision has yet been made on which firm will be operating in our waters next year.

Mr Mathieu confirmed that Condor won't be taking any pre bookings for next summer until it knows whether or not it has won the contract.

"We are also keen to open bookings for Summer 2025, pending the outcome of the decision on the tender, as we are conscious that pre-registrations are not quite what our passengers and industry partners expect to secure for next season. It will be an important year as it coincides with the 80th anniversary of the Islands’ liberation."


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Condor extends loan for second time in seven months

TIMELINE: Troubled waters for Condor

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