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Carers Guernsey to relocate

Carers Guernsey to relocate

Sunday 09 June 2024

Carers Guernsey to relocate

Sunday 09 June 2024

Another charity is moving in to the Community Hub at Grow's headquarters - with Carers Guernsey joining other organisations at the new facility.

When Grow revamped its site, with additional office space as well as new communal areas, it opened up some of these facilities to other charities too.

A spokesperson for Carers Guernsey said they are "proud to be the third charity" to move in.

"The charity is delighted to relocate and establish its new base there, opening up opportunities to collaborate with like-minded community members at the GROW premises," the spokesperson said. "This move allows Carers Guernsey to work alongside other charities and form alliances that benefit the third sector as a whole."

Ellie Lawrence

Pictured: Ellie Lawrence, Carers Guernsey Chair.

Carers Guernsey only launched in 2018, but since then it has grown rapidly in response to demand for its services.

Originally founded to support those in the Bailiwick who care for a friend or family member who is ill, frail, disabled, or has mental ill health, the charity also focuses on addressing the increasing need for this support.

There are currently as many as 8,000 informal and unpaid carers across the Bailiwick, but Carers Guernsey says this will increase significantly due to an ageing population and increased life expectancy.

Carers Guernsey also estimates that fewer than 700 current carers receive direct financial support through the Carer's Allowance. Additionally the charity says that two thirds of carers will have to reduce their working hours or leave employment entirely due to their caring responsibilities, while many unpaid carers also report having poor mental health, with significant numbers experiencing continuous low mood, feeling overwhelmed and anxiety.

To support carers, the charity hosts a weekly peer support group, to provide a relaxed and social atmosphere for carers to connect with others in similar situations.

Their programme also includes a weekly drop-in session at the new office at Grow in Les Coutanchez, offering information and guidance to carers.

Carers Guernsey is also working with Guernsey Mind, to  create a joint programme to specifically support carers of individuals with mental health challenges.

Additionally, the charity advocates for carers, giving them a voice in matters that affect them and raising awareness about their needs and rights.

To further support this work, Ellie Lawrence has been appointed Chair of Carers Guernsey while Tanya Dorrity has joined the charity as Service Manager.

Pictured: Ellie Lawrence, Carers Guernsey Chair.

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