In February 2019 the States of Guernsey Planning Department gave the approval for the plans for the proposed new Wildlife Hospital at the GSPCA, but sadly due to covid and the global pandemic the project was put on hold.
Nearly 3 years later the GSPCA are once again looking to the future for this much needed facility which is planned to replace a number of old buildings some which date back to the 1940’s.
In 2018 the GSPCA launched a fundraising campaign for the facility and we are hugely grateful to all that have already supported this much needed facility but with rising costs we need your support more than aver to build a hospital to help the wildlife into the future.
With just nearly £150,000 pledged or raised currently there is still a long way to go as the estimated costs for the facility are approximately £2,00,000 required to build the GSPCA Wildlife Hospital and to remove the old buildings.
There are a number of ways you can help donate to this much needed project – To make a direct donation please visit -
To Buy a Brick in the new Wildlife Hospital and download a leaflet please click here -
Larger donors or corporates may want to make a larger donation and become an Exclusive Build Partner and to find out more please visit -
We have yet to go to tender for the build which is the next step to get exact costs but for those wanting to help in much larger ways here are the estimated costs for some of the facilities that make up the £2,000,000 –
· Demolitions £70,000
· Sub-structure £80,000
· Drainage £99,000
· Slab £160,000
· Roof £263,000
· External Walls £180,000
· Glazing to whole build £70,000
· Each rehabilitation room £40,000
· Central feed kitchen £35,000
· Each marine rehabilitation room and access to pool £30,000
· Rehabilitation Pool – to be confirmed
· Rehabilitation aviaries/pens - £15-20,000 each
· Receiving office where the public can drop animals off and they can be admitted and entered into the system - £25-30,000
With 6 seals currently at the GSPCA and over 100 hedgehogs, not to mention many other injured birds and wild rabbits you would think the GSPCA is extremely busy and you would be correct.
Saying this Spring is fast approaching and that means the numbers of animals to come into the care of the Shelter is increasing daily.
The new Wildlife Hospital would help house the 2000+ wildlife that come through the GSPCA doors each year and with our environment a major concern a facility that would help benefit future generations. That means that is you looked at the cost per animal in the first year alone the build in the first year is £450 per wild animal and over a 10 year period £45 per animal.
Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said “It seems a long time since we got planning for a new Wildlife Hospital at the GSPCA and we are once again looking to the future.”
“A new Wildlife Hospital is well over due not only for us here at the GSPCA but for the whole of the Channel Islands.”
“We currently have 6 seal pups which is more than we have ever cared for to get back to the wild and with 2 from Jersey and 4 from Guernsey our facilities are used to help wildlife not just in Guernsey.”
“We often have wildlife from Alderney, Sark, Herm and even Jethou at the GSPCA.”
“We help over 2000 wild animals and birds every year and you’d be surprised what we get called out for.”
“In recent years we have helped Olivia the loggerhead turtle, Fortune the dolphin, many oiled birds this winter, over 700 hedgehogs a year and even an eel in the middle of the road on a rainy day.”
“We have raised and had pledged just nearly £150,000 towards the proposed Wildlife Hospital, so we have a long way to go to the £2,000,000 and every penny helps and is very much appreciated.”
“We have had to re-look at the plans as build costs have gone up in many ways.”
“For the last 2 years it has really been a battle to ensure we get through not just with funding but with all the struggles the pandemic has brought.”
“Next month we celebrate 149 years helping the animals oof Guernsey and wouldn’t it be fantastic next year for our 150th celebrations to open a new Wildlife Hospital.”
"We are really hoping to start work on the much needed facility this year and cannot acheive this without the amazing support of our fabulous community."
Yvonne Chauvel GSPCA Senior Animal Care Assistant said “We are coming up to Spring at the GSPCA and it is always the busiest time of the year for wildlife.”
“It is such wonderful news that we are relaunching the Wildlife Hospital Appeal and we now need the support and donations to build this new, much needed facility.”
“Some months we have well over 200 wild animals and birds arrive sick and injured at the GSPCA and currently have 6 seals and over 100 hedgehogs.”
“I have worked and helped at the GSPCA for over 25 years and although we have made improvements for the wildlife in our care we have needed new wildlife facilities for some time.”
Geoff George Animal Collection Officer and Head of Marine Mammals said “With 6 grey seal pups we are able to provide what they need but the new Wildlife Hospital would give much better facilities and if we were needed to help more than six seals then we build would be able to do so.”
“Day and night we are called out to help wildlife and we often help the other islands also.”
“I’m called out to help rescue more wildlife than domestic animals and it would be fantastic to have a new building for them as many of the wildlife areas are in need of replacing and rebuilding.”
Steve continued “There are many ways to help us towards to the proposed Wildlife Hospital from a donation to Buying a Brick, becoming a Build Sponsor to paying for an actual room or area of the building and to find out more please check out our website, call 257261 or email .”
"We have all seen Blue Planet 2 and what we are doing to our environment and this build would help the 1000's of animals of Guernsey that are found sick or injured each year back to the wild." See above for the links and ways to help towards this much needed build.