Beau Sejour Leisure Centre will look to operate the ‘new normal’ as Guernsey enters Stage 3 of its exit out of Lockdown.
Beau Sejour has continued to work hard with its COVID Vaccination Centre (CVC) colleagues to ensure activities and facilities offered to the public are able to run alongside the CVC in the safest way possible, ensuring continuity to both its own operations and the vaccination programme.
The Centre will be operating a phased return back to its normal business operations from Monday 22 March. Although reverting back to its normal pre-lockdown opening hours, some facilities and activities will remain unavailable in the short term:
Sam Herridge, Head of Recreation Services says: “Many of the Centre’s staff team have been redeployed during Stages 1 and 2 of Lockdown – or have been actively engaged in assisting with the operation of the CVC – from taking temperatures to delivering PPE, or helping out with the Vaccination Call Centre – they have been absolute stars, along with many other team members across the States of Guernsey. But I think we can all say we’re looking forward to getting back to doing what we love – and that’s welcoming the community back through our doors to provide a full programme of activities and facilities.”
Separate entrances for the CVC and Centre activities will no longer be required, although clear signage will direct CVC customers to the Sports Hall for their vaccination slot, and CVC staff will be available at various points to assist if necessary.
Ms Herridge added: " Although we are looking forward to getting back to a new normal, of course there will be some changes to the way we operate, with some facilities and activities remaining unavailable, and large gatherings having to be monitored and risk assessed accordingly. We ask our customers and members to please bear with us and to be understanding as we continue to adapt to this new normal. Customers are encouraged to follow us on Social Media and visit our website to keep up to date with what’s on offer.”