At the GSPCA we provide an essential service to animals in need and the community.
With the heightened risk of Corvid-19 the GSPCA are taking steps to reduce risk to their team and visitors by postponing all non-essential events until further advice is given.
Sadly this does means that all room hire, volunteer inductions, first aid courses, dog training, educational talks, educational visits, events run by the GSPCA are being postponed until further notice.
In relation to Coronavirus - Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) or Covid-19 the GSPCA is closely following the advice from the States of Guernsey - and taking proactive measures to reduce risk as far is reasonably practicable.
The GSPCA are asking all visitors to the GSPCA to ensure the States of Guernsey advice is followed and they have hand washing and sanitising dispensers throughout the site to help with good hygiene practice. They ask if your visit is nonessential and can be postponed or can be resolved by calling 01481 257261 or emailing it would be very much appreciated as they have a team with a wide range of ages.
If anyone would like a refund or be put on a list for rescheduling any booked event or room hire please do get in touch.
They would also further advise any GSPCA team members with any concerns to please follow the States of Guernsey advice.
This is in order for us to comply with the requirements and demands for dealing with a potential international Coronavirus (Covid-19) Outbreak
We will of course strive to maintain normal operations looking after your pet(s) and our local wildlife throughout, however some things may be outside of our control.
We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause, but we are sure you understand the reasons why.
Thank you from the GSPCA team
The above message is displayed at the GSPCA's reception desk. They are asking all boarding customers to help them with your pet(s) stay. Please complete this form ahead of your arrival and return to and any payments or information ahead of your pets stay can be given over the phone or email is very much appreciated to reduce the time and numbers of visitors to their reception area. This is to help ensure your pet has a wonderful stay and they have all the information they require.
As far as reasonably practicable other than mentioned previously normal operations at the GSPCA continue at present with heightened bio-security and they are asking all team members and visitors to follow the advice and public notices from the States of Guernsey.
The team are constantly reviewing the situation and they have been working with the States Vet.
As mentioned it is extremely important that all volunteers, staff and visitors use the Alcohol Surgical Hand Rubs provided and when washing hands you follow the signs and this advice
With hundreds of animals in their care and animals needing their help 24/7 they cannot do so much without your support.
Pictured top: COVID-19 Coronavirus advise available on