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WATCH: Cycling - Reed on the attack in France for best result of the season so far

WATCH: Cycling - Reed on the attack in France for best result of the season so far

Tuesday 14 May 2024

WATCH: Cycling - Reed on the attack in France for best result of the season so far

Tuesday 14 May 2024

An aggressive ride from Jack Reed led to a fourth place finish in the Tour du Mortainais in Normandy.

In the 120km race that was at times hit by heavy rain, Reed was in an early break from 5km in which stayed away for another 70km.


Pictured: The start of the race from Jack Reed's YouTube channel.

This led to a tactical rethink, and in the knowledge that he didn’t want to get involved in a sprint, Reed made another break to lead alone into the final circuit.

When three other riders bridged across it was clear the day’s podium was going to be decided among them.

Reed again pushed the pace on the final climb of the day, but could not shed the others and in the end he came over the line fourth.

His initial response was one of frustration about a win that got away in horrible conditions.

“But having reflected on it I’m really happy with the result. Everything has been going in the right direction for me in the last couple of weeks,” he said.

The race was won by Colas Thibault from Benoit Valentin and Janitor Paolo.

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