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Sailing: Bridgman in Australia ahead of world championships 

Sailing: Bridgman in Australia ahead of world championships 

Friday 01 December 2023

Sailing: Bridgman in Australia ahead of world championships 

Friday 01 December 2023

After months of intense training, Andy Bridgman has headed to Australia where he will compete in the Waszp World Championships.

The event is being hosted by the Sorrento Sailing Couta Boat Club in Melbourne between 10 and 16 December.

Ahead of it, Bridgman has mostly been training at the National Sailing Centre in Weymouth.

“The storm did mean that we had to relocate for a short while up to the Rutland Sailing Club near Leicester but being involved in the Great Britain set up means that I was able to continue with my training schedule with very little disruption,” he said.


Pictured: Guernsey's Island Games gold medalist, Andrew Bridgman.

He is now in Australia, acclimatising to the new conditions.

Mr Bridgman qualified as an actuary but has paused his career to focus on training for the world championships.

The International Stock Exchange is providing £5,000 support to Mr Bridgman which is going towards the costs of competing in Australia, including his boat, other equipment, and coaching in Melbourne, as well as travel and accommodation.

The foiling Waszp is a high-performance solo sailing boat, which reaches speeds up to 30mph, and sees boats racing in close quarters.

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