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A wheely great Christmas surprise!

A wheely great Christmas surprise!

Monday 24 December 2018

A wheely great Christmas surprise!

Monday 24 December 2018

21 children will be getting new bikes for Christmas thanks to a joint charity and community initiative.

The Sarah Groves Foundation donated the bikes to nominated children, in conjunction with Ian Brown’s Cycle Shop, the States of Guernsey Social Services, HomeStart Guernsey and Safer Guernsey.

All the bikes were donated anonymously, so the unsuspecting children could have a Christmas surprise.

It's the third year such a donation has been made, with feedback from previous years being "immensely heart-warming".

The Sarah Groves Foundation said it also, "more than fulfils our Mission Statement ‘Enhancing Young Lives’."

The bikes were handed over to representatives of HomeStart Guernsey and others last week so they could arrange delivery to the nominated children in time for Christmas Day.

Pictured inset: Kate and Vic Groves and Ayesha Camara of HomeStart Guernsey. 

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