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WATCH: LMDC teacher gets students dancing with lockdown videos

WATCH: LMDC teacher gets students dancing with lockdown videos

Saturday 27 February 2021

WATCH: LMDC teacher gets students dancing with lockdown videos

Saturday 27 February 2021

A teacher from La Mare De Carteret High School is helping to keep students active by uploading his own dance routines online.

Jim Cobb - or Mr Cobb to students - has been posting weekly dance videos as a continuation of an initiative he was running before school sites were closed due to lockdown.

“It’s a way of getting students involved and active,” he said.

Mr Cobb set up the ‘Just Dance Club’ every Thursday at LMDC, which saw more than 50 students join him for dance routines. 

“We ask for students to send in their videos and lots of them have been getting involved,” said Mr Cobb of the way he has adapted the club by taking it online.

He wants students, teachers and the wider public to send in their versions of his dance routines to

Mr Cobb says the idea has already spread via social media, with other schools now getting in on the action.

“A couple of other schools have utilised the videos for their own students,” he said. “It’s a good way of getting the schools together."

Mr Cobb releases a new video every Friday - follow La Mare de Carteret on Twitter to see future routines. 

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