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"Vicious attack" with a screwdriver sees man jailed

Monday 18 March 2019

"Vicious attack" with a screwdriver sees man jailed

Monday 18 March 2019

Trying to stab a man with a screwdriver while so drunk he couldn't remember doing that, means Lee Nathan Jehan will be staying in prison for a while longer.

Jehan also had a lot of drugs on him when he was arrested, which he admitted planning to sell, during police interviews.

He was arrested in September 2017, and has been held on remand ever since then, before being sentenced to a total of five years in prison when he appeared before the Royal Court on Friday.

Jehan's mental health was questioned at the time of his arrest, meaning enquiries had to be made to check he was fit to be interviewed and then be taken to court, which slowed down process of his case, meaning he's already served a year and a half in prison. 

les Nicolles prison

Pictured: Les Nicolles Prison. 

Jehan had been drinking alcohol in the Golden Lion pub during the afternoon of 5 September 2017, when the bar manager refused to serve him anymore. Jehan was then seen arguing with a woman and was asked to leave the bar. He refused and started assaulting the bar manager, grabbing a screwdriver from the bar and trying to stab his victim with it.

Eventually Jehan was escorted away from the pub and Guernsey Police were called. Two officers spoke to Jehan near the Market steps and when they checked his bag they found more than 110g of cannabis and tens of diazepam tablets along with hundreds of pounds in cash. Jehan told police he had planned to sell half of the cannabis and the tablets.

He resisted arrest and then broke the number identity board when being held by Guernsey Police.

The Judge, Deputy Bailiff Richard McMahon told Jehan that his behaviour included a "vicious attack" and that such behaviour would not be tolerated.

"The public needs protecting," he said, adding that "drug sentencing needs a deterrent effect."

In total, Jehan was jailed for two years for the assault, and three years for the cannabis possession with intent to supply, plus 15months to run concurrently for the possession of diazepam and two months each to run concurrently for resisting arrest and criminal damage.

In total Jehan wias sentenced to five years in prison. 



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