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Liberation Tea Party!

Liberation Tea Party!

Saturday 05 May 2018

Liberation Tea Party!

Saturday 05 May 2018

Hundreds of islanders who remember the occupation and liberation of Guernsey have gathered to remember and commemorate the occasion.

The annual Specsaver's Tea Dance at Beau Sejour was held yesterday, with live music, dancing and traditional food for the island's senior generation to enjoy.

Specsavers put on the festivities free of charge for the older guests, ahead of the first Hangar Ball for paying guests in the evening. A second Hangar Ball is being held this evening.

In attendance at the Tea Party, alongside the Occupied and Evacuated islanders and former service personnel was the Lieutenant Governor; Vice Admiral Sir Ian Corder, the Bailiff; Sir Richard Collas, and Dame Mary and Doug Perkins.


Mak Tachon, 77, and Margaret Le Cras, 78, have been to the tea dance many times in the past and said it was always something to look forward to.

"It is always very good this," Ms Le Cras said. "We always have a great time, I think it's so impressive, and it's very generous of Specsavers to host us all here."

"This is always a good place to see people that you haven't seen in a while and just to catch up as well," Mr Tachon added.

Alongside the music and food, the entire St John Loveridge hall was dressed up in a period theme from the Liberation of the island. British Flags and banners were flying with red, white and blue colours predominantly on display.

Eileen Le Ray, 79, was attending the Tea Dance for the first time, and also said she was very impressed: "it is amazing what they have done in here, I love it. I didn't expect it to be like this and it blew me away to be honest. It has been nice having a chat to everyone and just experiencing the atmosphere." 


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