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WATCH: Seals head back into the wild

WATCH: Seals head back into the wild

Wednesday 22 May 2019

WATCH: Seals head back into the wild

Wednesday 22 May 2019

Two seal pups have been released back into their home waters after months of care and recovery at the GSPCA.

Both Gully and Sealia were found close to death, starving and with a number of ailments in November and January respectively and were taken to the animal shelter in the hope they would survive.

Both were under a month old when found and weighed around a quarter of the 40kgs they should have done.

After round-the-clock intensive care at the shelter and tube feeding until they were strong enough to eat on their own, the pups grew to a healthy 48kgs and 54kgs.

With help from the Island Rib Voyages team, both seals were successfully released back into the wild from Jethou yesterday. 

Sealia and Gully return to the wild from Bailiwick Express on Vimeo.

"I was a little worried they may not behave but both seal pups were very well behaved getting boxed up for their travels to Jethou," said Head of Marine Mammals at the GSPCA, Geoff George.

"Sealia and Gully were keen to get back into the sea and then spoilt us all showing off in the water in front of us, playing and looking like they were having a great deal of fun. Those living in Jethou will keep a watchful eye on Sealia and Gully like they have done so many times in recent years."

seals released

Pictured: Sealia and Gully being released back into the sea.

With three seals now released, they leave three more pups - Mambo, Hannah and Andrew - still being cared for at the shelter. With Marty released last month, this has been the busiest year for grey seal pups the GSPCA has ever seen.

GSPCA Manager Steve Byrne added: "After months of care it was fantastic to see Gully and Sealia released back to the wild. Both are so lucky to be alive after the condition they were found last winter and after months of care at the GSPCA and so many incredible donations they were fit and ready to make their journey back to the sea.

seals released

Pictured: Both seals' health has improved significantly since they were rescued months ago.

"Both have more than quadrupled their weight since they were rescued and we are so thankful to Island Rib Voyages and those on Jethou for all of their help with the release today."

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