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Saltpans site could have 150 houses

Saltpans site could have 150 houses

Friday 28 February 2020

Saltpans site could have 150 houses

Friday 28 February 2020

A draft development framework for a site in the Saltpans has suggested that up to 154 homes could be created there.

The 2.8 hectare site in the north of the island is the latest to be mooted for major housing development, with others nearby including Leale's Yard, Pointes Rocques, Tertre Lane and Braye Road.

A previous Draft Development Framework was subject to a public consultation stage in April and May 2019. During this period, seven comments were received from the public and there was consultation with several States Committees/Agencies and the Constables.

Concerns raised included vehicle access, traffic impact on the surrounding area and the capacity of nearby schools. That includes the current St Sampson's High School which is due to be extended under the Lisia School plans. 

"The revised Draft Development Framework incorporates alterations resulting from feedback to the earlier public consultation stage and the subsequent review of issues raised," the Planning Service said. "The revised Draft Development Framework has been prepared to provide planning guidance on how the site might be developed."

The proposed site has been extended to include the amount of land available and improve public access.

"In terms of density and housing numbers, the exact number of units achievable will depend on the detailed design response to the site analysis and guidelines contained in the Development Framework," it said. "However, in order to ensure land is used efficiently it is anticipated that the site would be able to accommodate a density range of 30-55 dwellings per hectare, which is approximately 84-154 dwellings on this site. This density range reflects the proximity of the site to The Bridge and the potential good standard of vehicular access onto La Route du Braye."

Pictured top: The Saltpans site in the bottom left of the image. 

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