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Prescribed art exhibition

Prescribed art exhibition

Sunday 10 March 2019

Prescribed art exhibition

Sunday 10 March 2019

A programme to make people feel better through art is hosting a free exhibition at Styx centre today.

Arts for Impact is presenting 'In Shape' which is described as a 'Social Prescribing Programme'.

It's an holistic approach to recovery for people with long term health issues, helping them to feel better through art.

The programme was founded by Melissa Mitchell, who has been delivering weekly Art sessions at Styx alongside the professional artists involved in Arts for Impact, leading up to today's first ever exhibition of work created through the ‘In Shape’ scheme.

The exhibition is dedicated to displaying Art made by islanders over the last year during the community project, and as well as seeing the displays there will be a film playing on loop along with art activities suitable for people of all ages to try.

Art For Impacts professional artists Hugh Rose, Helen Bonner-Morgan and Ben Bailey Davies will also be there today.

Guernsey’s HSC supports the work of Social Prescribing saying;

“Social Prescribing enables health professionals to signpost people to a range of non-medical services within the Community, such as ‘Singing For Health’ or ‘T’ai Chi’. People can also direct themselves independently. Recognising that people’s health is determined primarily by a range of social, economic and environmental factors, social prescribing seeks to address people’s needs in a holistic way, not simply medical. It is linked to improvements in quality of life and emotional wellbeing, including reducing social isolation, levels of depression and anxiety."

The exhibition is on today, Sunday 10 March, between 14:00 and 17:00 at Styx Centre.

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