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Peaceful protest planned as plea over drug sentencing

Peaceful protest planned as plea over drug sentencing

Thursday 18 October 2018

Peaceful protest planned as plea over drug sentencing

Thursday 18 October 2018

A protest is set to take place outside of Guernsey's Royal Court today, ahead of a sentencing hearing for a wheelchair-bound woman who was caught importing a cannabis based substance.

Christine Smith, who has primary progressive multiple sclerosis, has admitted importing a cannabidiol derivative - a class A substance - saying she wanted to use it for pain relief.

And with Smith potentially facing prison time - if court guidelines are followed - Guernsey campaigners are speaking out to claim the entire situation is unfair.

"We are hoping that, with a bit of pressure, we will be able to stop things like this happening again in the future, and of course we are hoping it might affect the outcome," said Lucia Faith, the organiser of the protest. 

"It is really not in the public interest for her to be sent to prison, or to be punished at all. Mrs Smith isn't a criminal, she is a lady that has got MS, and is in severe pain. I don't think she did this maliciously." 

Ms Faith is a well-known campaigner on the island, who has spent a lot of time pushing for the legalisation and deregulation of cannabis. She has recently made progress as cannabid oils have been legalised and started being sold, and Health & Social Care are also taking steps looking at the potential of legalising cannabis for medicinal use. 

She said situations like Smith's often arose, as the laws were "so unclear" people didn't know what they could, and could not, import.

"I just can't get my head around why they think this is ok," Ms Faith added.

"I am really positive about what Health & Social Care and Home Affairs are doing at the moments, but while they have to do all of the pen pushing and politics, people like this suffer. The whole situation is just not as black and white as it is being treated. It is ridiculous and needs to stop."

The protestors are meeting outside of the Royal Court at 13:00, ahead of the sentencing hearing later in the afternoon. It will take place in front of the Royal Court. 

The case has faced some questions as the court struggled to decide whether what Smith was importing was a class A drug or not. It decided it was in the middle of last month. 

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