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Passenger owed nearly £1,000 in late Aurigny refunds

Passenger owed nearly £1,000 in late Aurigny refunds

Friday 27 October 2023

Passenger owed nearly £1,000 in late Aurigny refunds

Friday 27 October 2023

An Aurigny passenger has called the airline’s customer service “shockingly poor” after she was told that they were “unable to give a timeframe” for a flight refund.

She has been waiting for more than two months and is now owed nearly £1,000.

“I appreciate that there are circumstances that may arise for any airline that results in the unfortunate cancellation of flights, however every airline surely has a responsibility to passengers to communicate the reasons for cancellations, apologise for inconvenience caused and to rectify the situation either through an alternative flight option, or a refund,” she said. 

“In my case, Aurigny cancelled four flights - three over the August bank holiday weekend and one in September. In August Aurigny offered no explanation or apology at the time. I was assured refunds would be issued within 14-28 days; it has now been 62 days with no refund. My friend who was on the same cancelled flights received a full refund within the given timeframe, so it was entirely possible, but only done for certain passengers. 

“After the cancellation of the September flight, I was again told I would receive a refund within 14-28 days. It has been 40 days and still no refund. 

“To now be told that no timeframe can be given is unacceptable. Aurigny is holding close to £1,000 of my money for services it failed toprovide and is refusing to tell me when that money will be returned. 

“Unfortunately, as the islands only option for flights, it doesn’t matter how inadequate the service provided by Aurigny is, we still have to pay. If there was any alternative I would never fly Aurigny again.” 

She was told by Aurigny that it wouldn't be able to give her a timeframe for when the refund would be processed:

“In addition to the high volume of refund requests, we have also encountered resourcing challenges within our refund department. 

“These challenges have impacted our ability to process refunds as efficiently as we would like.” 

Express asked Aurigny what kind of resourcing challenges it is facing and the airline declined to answer. It instead provided the following statement: 

“We take customer feedback seriously and apologise for any inconvenience experienced. 

“We acknowledge delays in processing refunds due to an unusually high volume of refund requests caused by operational challenges. We are actively working to expedite the refund process and have implemented measures to prevent similar issues in the future. 

“It is important to clarify that Aurigny complies with all relevant regulations and industry standards. We understand how important it is for our passengers to have a seamless and stress-free travel experience and strive to correct service failings when they occur.  

“Customer satisfaction is paramount to us, and we will continue improving to enhance the overall passenger experience.” 

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