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No bail for man accused of 'grooming child' online

No bail for man accused of 'grooming child' online

Wednesday 20 March 2019

No bail for man accused of 'grooming child' online

Wednesday 20 March 2019

Guernsey's Magistrate Court has refused to give a 57-year-old man bail while further investigations are carried out into allegations he attempted to groom a child aged 13 online.

The man, who has not yet entered a plea but intends to say he is innocent, was caught out by a 'third party' in Jersey using an online dating app, who was pretending to be that 13-year-old.

This 'third party' has recently been involved in another case which led to a criminal conviction in Guernsey. 

This defendant has since been charged with attempting to incite a 13-year-old child to commit an act of gross indecency with another. 

Since that charge was brought though, further indecent images may have been found on devices belonging to the man, so Crown Advocate Jenny McVeigh told Judge Gary Perry it was likely further charges would also be brought against him. 

Any official plea has been delayed until then, but the man's representative, Advocate Sam Steel, told the court his client had misread the three in 13 as an eight because of his bad eyesight. On these grounds, he said he is planning to plead not guilty.

The court was wary of granting the defendant bail because his house is on the market, and there was the potential he could try and leave the island. Because of this and a number of other factors, he was remanded in custody earlier this, as he was after his first appearance on the 5 March.

Things will proceed in court on the 1 April. 

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