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Nine projects to boost tourism funded by £150,000 grant

Nine projects to boost tourism funded by £150,000 grant

Sunday 14 January 2024

Nine projects to boost tourism funded by £150,000 grant

Sunday 14 January 2024

Projects to promote tourism that range from an angling championship to encouraging use of local produce have won funding.

The Tourism Management Board has awarded nine groups with money from a £150,000 pot made available as a one-off by Economic Development last year.

“‘In total, we received 20 applications for the Tourism Development Fund, totalling requests for more than half a million pounds,” said board chair Hannah Beacom.

“We were delighted to receive successful applications from such a wide variety of projects, all of which we hope and expect to make a positive contribution to both visitor numbers and the visitor experience. This was a one-off funding opportunity that provides a tangible boost to the sector as we continue our promising boost-pandemic recovery.”

The projects selected were:

Festung Guernsey


Festung, a volunteer group dedicated to restoring our WW2 history, have been awarded funds for two key projects – to complete the second phase of the refurbishment of the German defences at Fort Hommet Headland and also upgrade the group’s website.


The Fort Hommet project aligns with one of the key themes for marketing the island in 2024, our heritage. It capitalises on the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings in 2024, and the subsequent anniversary of our Liberation in 2025. The islands are very lucky to have such a dedicated group of volunteers working to preserve our history and the Tourism Management Board felt this was an excellent opportunity to support that.


DanceSport Association


Supporting a three-day British Isles DanceSport Championships targeting grassroots and professional competitors from across the British Isles, this event has the potential to attract up to an estimated 1,000 visitors and is an opportunity for Guernsey to shine in the dance arena as a professional event destination.


Alongside attracting visitors to come and compete and to support, the intention is that the event will also stimulate engagement from local dance schools and community groups, with the aim of appealing to a wide range of demographics.


Local produce trademark – the Guernsey mark


Funds have been awarded to support a campaign to encourage local restaurants, cafes, kiosks and visitor accommodation to stock, use and promote local produce. Primarily this involves the rolling out of an ‘eat and produce local’ concept, with an associated brand that highlights when local produce is both being used on menus and sold.


As well as supporting the importance of food provenance and promoting sustainability, making the most of the food that we make, grow and rear here in the islands, research shows that sampling our local food has real appeal to potential visitors. It is hoped that the success of such a scheme will encourage more local growers, bakers, picklers, jam makers and foragers and give them an outlet for their passion for local food.


The Graniteman Weekender


An extension of the existing Guernsey Graniteman event, this funding will support new activities over the proposed three-day summer weekend programme including a centrepiece triathlon event and additional activities for children including a fun run and splash’n’dash. The aim being to make this event something people will travel to compete in but also viable to bring along members of their family. Capitalising on the growing trend for outside sports following the pandemic, Guernsey makes a perfect, and picturesque, venue for cycling, swimming and running.


Boatlife Angling


Guernsey will be stage host for Rounds 7 and 8 of the Boatlife Angling Championship. This international event, sponsored by world leading brands, presents us with a significant opportunity and exposure to highlight Guernsey as an angling destination and tap into a significant market in recreational sport. Not only will it raise awareness via significant off- island exposure and coverage, but it will also encourage keen anglers to choose Guernsey as a holiday destination. The intention is to subsequently promote a shore angling event and the TMB welcomes any local enthusiasts who may want to submit ideas for the promotion of an event to appeal to off-island sea anglers.


Floral Guernsey


Blooms by the Shore is just one of the projects that Floral Guernsey have planned for 2024. As with much of the work that this team of volunteers undertake for the benefit of the community, this will enhance the overall experience of visiting the islands, in particular our much-loved coastal kiosks. Funding for the team also comes from the annual Events and Activities funding and, together, these provide a contribution to Legacy, Parish and wider Island and Foundation Projects.


Twinning Association


A contribution has been made to support the St Saviour’s/ Monteborg Twinning Association stall at La Foire de la Chandeleur. This allows representatives from Guernsey to advertise the islands as a tourist destination in France and further cement the relationship between us. By promoting and encouraging touristic, social and economic exchange between the two communities it is hoped that we can encourage our Monteborg ‘twins’ to visit us here in Guernsey.


Street Festival bunting


The Tourism Management Board recognises the significant value-added experience that the St Peter Port Street Festival gives to our visitors so was keen to support it.


Additional grant


There is one further grant that has been awarded, however the details are still being finalised so details will be shared in due course as well.

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