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New Hugo website goes live

New Hugo website goes live

Wednesday 06 September 2023

New Hugo website goes live

Wednesday 06 September 2023

Hundreds of years after he lived in the island, a new digital platform has been launched to further the plans for a Victor Hugo Centre in Guernsey.

The team behind the proposed Victor Hugo Centre put their new website live yesterday with information about them and the design for the centre, answers to frequently asked questions, fundraising activities and project updates.

Larry Malcic, Chair of the Victor Hugo Centre board, hopes the site can connect people and organisations who'd like to get involved with and support the project. 

"We hope the website will inspire the local and international community to learn about and share our vision for the Centre, and to appreciate the educational, cultural, social and tourism benefits the Centre will bring.

"We want to tell the story of the bond between Hugo and our island, sharing it with people from around the world. A digital presence is an essential step towards that goal. 

"This is very much a community-based project and we want the website to help more people learn about our aims and how to become involved.

victor hugo screenshot

Pictured: The new website launched yesterday. 

"The website will keep everyone up to date on the progress of the project and will evolve as we move through the fundraising and planning phases of the initiative. 

"It’s an exciting next stage for the Centre." 

The website was designed and built by TPA, with copywriting assistance by Black Vanilla. 

Mr Malcic said it highlights the three integrated parts of the Centre: a museum/interpretation centre, a learning hub for school children and students, and a performance and event space. 

Watch: A fly-through video of the planned Centre. Credit: DLM Architects and Casson Mann. 

The project proposes converting the Visitor Information Centre building into a dedicated museum with seven distinct galleries, an events and performance space, and a learning hub over three floors. A new lift would be installed to make the Centre fully accessible.

The building would be extended westwards to accommodate the new gallery areas and be clad in the illuminated façade, which could also display animations. 

Around £7m is estimated to be required and must come from private benefactors and/or public donations. Mr Malcic has previously said a broader fundraising campaign will launch with a 24-month maximum timeframe set for raising the necessary funds.  

Hugo’s descendants are said to have reacted warmly to the plans, according to Mr Malcic. 

Hugo's great-great-grandson, Jean Baptiste, is reported to have said a true understanding of the man can only be realised by visiting the island. 


WATCH: Ambitious plans for Victor Hugo cultural centre unveiled

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