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MBE for Jurat for services to the Church

MBE for Jurat for services to the Church

Friday 14 June 2024

MBE for Jurat for services to the Church

Friday 14 June 2024

Jurat David Robilliard has been awarded an MBE in the King’s Birthday Honours list for services to the Church and the island.

Mr Robilliard has built an extensive career in public service, holding such posts as Principal Officer of the States Assembly and Constitution Committee, Her Majesty's Deputy Greffier and Secretary to the Bailiff of Guernsey.

He was elected as a Jurat in 2017 and is a member of the Deanery Synod.  

He said when he found out about being awarded the MBE his first reaction was one of “total shock and disbelief”. 

“My next reaction was that it is a great honour – you don’t do these things thinking that it would be nice one day to be recognised this way, you do your public service.” 

Three other people in Guernsey have been recognised in this year’s King’s Birthday Honours list. 

“I am delighted that His Majesty has recognised the achievements of those who are receiving awards today,” said the Lieutenant-Governor.  

“Each of the recipients have made significant contributions to their communities over many years and this public recognition is richly deserved. I congratulate them all.” 


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