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Landmark Alderney Holocaust review will be livestreamed

Landmark Alderney Holocaust review will be livestreamed

Tuesday 21 May 2024

Landmark Alderney Holocaust review will be livestreamed

Tuesday 21 May 2024

The UK-led inquiry into exactly what happened in Alderney during the Nazi occupation is being presented in London this week, and it will also be watched live by anyone in the world with an internet connection.

What’s been billed as an ‘Expert Review’ into Nazi atrocities on British soil has been led by the Rt Hon Lord Pickles, the UK’s Special Envoy for post-Holocaust Issues, and his team of international experts will be unveiling what they’ve found at the Imperial War Museum on 22 May.

It has now been confirmed that the presentation will be livestreamed on Zoom, and a public screening is being put on in Alderney at the Island Hall for the community.  

This ensures that all interested Islanders can take the opportunity to watch the event should they wish. The Lord Pickles Alderney Expert Review was commissioned to investigate a number of matters relating to Alderney’s Second World War history including determining the most accurate number of labourers and prisoners sent to the Island during that period, and the most accurate number for how many died on Alderney,” the island’s government said. 

It comes after Alderney politicians criticised the fact the panel is presenting its findings in the UK, rather than the island.  


Pictured: William Tate, President of the States of Alderney. 

The President of the States of Alderney, William Tate, who will be attending the presentation on behalf of the community, has thanked the Review team for “arranging a special livestream. 

We wanted to support this opportunity, which is why we have arranged a screening at the Anne French Room, so that everyone who is interested can watch it live, particularly those who may not have internet access.” 

The presentation begins at 11:00, and you can watch along HERE, using the following information to access the stream: Meeting ID: 880 3821 2066 Passcode: 095529. 

Bailiwick Express will be attending the London presentation, with several reports to follow. 

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