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Kellogg the Corn-snake found on busy road

Kellogg the Corn-snake found on busy road

Thursday 01 July 2021

Kellogg the Corn-snake found on busy road

Thursday 01 July 2021

The GSPCA is looking to reunite a corn snake found on Vale Road with its owner.

The reptile was picked up on Sunday and is safe and well at the GSPCA's animal shelter.

"We are currently appealing for information on anyone that have lost a corn snake near Vale Road," said GSPCA Manager Steve Byrne. 

“We have called this snake Kellogg and it is now doing its 21 stray days, in line with the Guernsey Animal Welfare Ordinance. If anyone has any information please call us on 01481 257261.” 

Senior Animal Care Assistant Yvonne Chauvel said that every year - especially in the warmer months - the charity helps a range of stray reptiles.

“We ask all owners coming to claim stray animals to bring proof of ownership such as photos of their pets," she added. 

The reptiles in need of a home at the GSPCA such as musk turtles, geckos can be seen HERE.  

Pictured top: Kellog the corn snake. 

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