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Hundreds of opinions shared on IDP Review

Hundreds of opinions shared on IDP Review

Friday 09 August 2024

Hundreds of opinions shared on IDP Review

Friday 09 August 2024

So many people contributed to the Island Development Plan Review that the politicians behind it now want more time to analyse all of the responses.

The Development and Planning Authority had proposed a number of changes to the IDP which it said would ensure there’s enough land available to build hundreds of new homes over the next decade.

276 submissions to the Review were received, containing more than 500 individual representations by States Committees, businesses, industry and third sector groups and parishioners.

The DPA says it's reviewed all of those comments but because there are so many it has asked the planning inspector for extra time to "carry out further analysis in light of significant and contrasting views raised".

The DPA says it will also ask the inspector’s view on "any other implications this may have on the inquiry process".

The review process

The Island Development Plan Review was launched in June when the committee published its recommended changes to the island's central planning document.

Comments from members of the public, and interested parties such as States Committees, businesses, industry and third sector groups needed to be submitted by the end of July.

Although nearly 300 submissions were made, representing more than 500 individuals, the system for making those comments was criticised.

Chamber of Commerce members raised concerns about the complexity of the forms used, while other comments surfaced that the site was difficult by design, not user friendly, and led to people giving up on completing it.

Douzaines also expressed concerns after they were told there could be no extension to the time frame for public comments if the work is to be completed ahead of the 2025 general election.

'The representations received indicated strongly divergent views'

The DPA has said it needs the extra time because the representations made indicate "strongly divergent views".

One example given is that the Authority says it has been asked to both increase and decrease the applied buffers in the States Strategic Housing Indicator.

In addition, the DPA said significant new matters have been raised about the deliverability of some of the key sites allocated for housing.

Other significant representations from key stakeholders included proposals to amend Key Industrial Areas to compensate for some of the potential loss of proposed housing sites.


Pictured: The IDP review sought peoples' views on housing allocation sites. (Inset) Victoria Oliver.

“We’d again like to thank people for taking the time and the effort taken to submit their representations which we’ve read through and taken on board, said Deputy Victoria Oliver, President of the Development & Planning Authority.

“The responses have highlighted some key matters which very much warrant further assessment before we can respond. We are listening to you; we’ve heard and recognise the strong concerns raised, especially in relation to the allocation of greenfield sites. Any alternative options now need careful consideration.

“The Island Development Plan is a foundational plan for Guernsey which underpins so many strategic decisions, so the most important thing is that we get this right.

“We of course still intend to complete this work as quickly as possible and are looking now at exactly how much more time is needed, and we’ll update on that as soon as possible after further liaison with the inspector and officers. But more importantly, this should not delay any immediate developments that are taking place now, or are about to take place, as other existing policies support housing development to come forward. The Review is about ensuring future land supply for the next five year period and ensuring the right changes are made to the IDP.”

The Development and Planning Authority is due to meet again next week when it is expected to consider further the amount of additional time it believes it needs to work on this.

A further update on the implications for the overall process will then be published. 


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