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Hit and run near Le Mont Marche Estate

Hit and run near Le Mont Marche Estate

Tuesday 25 June 2024

Hit and run near Le Mont Marche Estate

Tuesday 25 June 2024

A pedestrian was knocked over by a motorist while crossing the road towards Le Mont Marche Estate.

Guernsey Police are now investigating the incident and have released the following statement:

"Around 4:05pm on Friday 14th June 2024, in Rue des Landes, Forest, a pedestrian was crossing the road from a bus stop towards Le Mont Marche Estate when they were struck and knocked over by a vehicle travelling from the Airport towards The Co-Op.

"This vehicle then left the scene without stopping. The vehicle is believed to be a white hatchback. CCTV enquiries are already being conducted.

"If you have any information regarding this incident, or were driving through the area around the time and have dash camera footage, you are asked to contact PC 174 POTTER on 222 222 or to contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111."

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