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Children cheer as the cyclists pass by

Children cheer as the cyclists pass by

Monday 10 July 2023

Children cheer as the cyclists pass by

Monday 10 July 2023

Some very young supporters were among the crowds lining the west coast for the first cycling race of this Island Games week this morning.

The children from Stepping Stones pre-school were taken down to watch the action with their teachers, and the Health Improvement Commission.

The pictures below show how the children were entralled by the time trial races in front of them, as they waved their Guernsey flags. 

Above: Triathlete Andrea Nightingale went to Vazon to watch the cycling and talk to the children of Stepping Stones pre-school about the sport.

The Health Improvement Commission said that one of its main aims is to make the 2023 Games "as family friendly as possible".

Staff were at Saturday's opening ceremony handing out free fruit to those lining the quay waiting to see the teams parade past.

They will also be handing out free fruit at events throughout the week.

"We are working with organisers to ensure that families have a positive, healthy experience at the Games," said a spokesperson.

"We want to give the whole community the opportunity to come together to celebrate all that is good about being active, eating well, and having more options at the bar than alcohol.

"Our work with preschool settings shows you’re never too young to enjoy the atmosphere and fun of the games," they added.


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