Thursday 19 September 2024
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Guernsey Doctor returns from “Sight-Saving” mission in Mongolia

Guernsey Doctor returns from “Sight-Saving” mission in Mongolia

Wednesday 18 September 2024

Guernsey Doctor returns from “Sight-Saving” mission in Mongolia

Wednesday 18 September 2024

Dr Michelle Le Cheminant has been using her skills to help visually impaired people through the charity, Orbis.

The consultant anaesthetist works for Guernsey's Medical Specialist Group.

Using a week of her annual leave, Dr Le Cheminant used her vital skills to support medical professionals across Mongolia.

It’s not the first time the Guernsey Doctor has crossed borders to bring better sight to many with Dr Le Cheminant previously taking part in seven other training programs with the charity, including in Vietnam, Zambia, and China. 

This year’s trip was focused on training medical teams in Mongolia to treat more children and adults at the risk of blindness. It took place aboard Orbis’s Flying Hospital, and two partner hospitals.

Dr Le Cheminant was pleased to be back in the country.

"It was fantastic to return to Mongolia and see the progress made in eye care provision since my last visit six years ago," she said. "Our local anaesthetic trainees were enthusiastic and dedicated. I’m confident that the skills they learned during this project will have a lasting impact on patient care."

MSG Chair Dr Steve Evans congratulated Dr Le Cheminant on the sight saving mission.

"We’re very proud of and happy to support the important work that Michelle does with Orbis – it’s always inspiring to hear from her about her experiences with the charity," he said.

Pictured top: With thanks to Geoff Oliver Bugbee and Orbis UK.

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