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GALLERY: The 31st annual Alderney Fly-In took off

GALLERY: The 31st annual Alderney Fly-In took off

Tuesday 10 September 2024

GALLERY: The 31st annual Alderney Fly-In took off

Tuesday 10 September 2024

Despite the forecast of heavy rain and thunderstorms that was issued, the Annual Alderney Fly-In proceeded as planned over the past weekend.

Although the weather prevented many of the private aviators from joining the festivities, 17 out of the 56 expected planes arrived in Alderney to be greeted by clear skies.


Pictured: Planes landed in Alderney for the 2024 Alderney Fly-In.

Along with the 17 planes and their pilots, around 60 guests were present (pilots and passengers inclusive).

Ranging from travelling from Guernsey, to as far as flying in from Niederstetten, South Germany; all the guests were able to enjoy "a weekend of bonhomie, socialising, hospitality and entertainment."


Pictured: Revelers enjoying their evening in Alderney at the 2024 Alderney Fly-In.

The Acting Chairman of the Alderney Flying Club and organiser of this year's Fly-In, David Earl, commented: "Our team spent much time and effort in producing an enjoyable and versatile programme of events for this weekend.

"Naturally, we are all very disappointed that the weather in the UK and the Continent prevented so many of our expected guests from joining us this year. There's nothing we can do about the weather but those who managed to get to Alderney really enjoyed their weekend."


Pictured: Pilots and passengers participating in a paper airplane competition.

Mr Earl added: "I would like to thank the manager and staff at The Moorings who hosted the welcome drinks party and BBQ on Friday night and The Blonde Hedgehog who served an excellent gala dinner at the Island Hall on Saturday night."

Popular Guernsey musicians, Denis and Sheena Le Prevost, were part of the entourage who flew to Alderney for the weekend where they provided musical entertainment for the evening. 


Pictured: Guernsey's own Sheena Le Prevost singing as the musical entertainment in Alderney.

A highlight of the weekend was the presentation of awards. Some of the winners include: 

Best Classic Plane: ALON AZA AIRCOUPE - Robert Tompkins

Winning Home-Built: EUROSAR SL – Gordon Verity

Best External Finish/Colour Scheme: PIPR ARRROW G-ONOA - Peter Berntley

Longest Distance Flown: Gerard Sontheimer from Niederstetten, Germany

Best Modern Plane: CESSNA 172 - Marc Naylor


Pictured: Marc Naylor receiving his award for Best Modern Plane.

As well as:

The Most Senior Pilot: Gordon Verity (age 77)

The Most Junior Pilot: James Cole (age 19)

Largest Entry from UK Club: Cheshire Flying Club Ralph Burridge

Spirit of the Fly-In: Renate Maddocks-Born from Sherburn, North Yorkshire


Pictured: A group receiving an engraved plate at the Awards Evening.

This year's Fly-In had a more sombre mood to previous years as attendees remembered David Chiswell, Chairman of the Alderney Flying Club who passed away suddenly this year. Mr Chiswell was the "driving force behind the Alderney Fly-In and who, for many years, was personally involved in organising this event."

David Earl, who took over from Mr Chiswell in organising this event, paid a special tribute to Mr Chiswell with a short video presentation. This became a very emotional moment for Linda Chiswell (Mr Chiswell's widow). She, however, asked that everyone present that night have a good time, explaining that her late husband would have wanted everyone to have "a great evening of fun".


Pictured: Linda Chiswell speaking to the group following her husband's passing.

Mr Earl concluded that "all participants clearly enjoyed their weekend and confirmed they will be back next year, as will those who were unable to join us this time."

He also added that "the date of next year's Alderney Fly-In will be confirmed in a few months' time."

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