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Dive in! Gents pool reopens today

Dive in! Gents pool reopens today

Monday 05 February 2018

Dive in! Gents pool reopens today

Monday 05 February 2018

After more than two years of hard work by volunteers and local businesses, the gents' pool at La Vallette is set to re-open.

The latest stage of the restoration work comes after previous repairs to the Horseshoe pool. Both pools were damaged during winter storms in 2014 with the States unable to pay for the full cost of the repairs.

The work had started in 2015 when the La Vallette Legacy Team was formed, under the umbrella of Floral Guernsey, to carry out restoration work aimed at returning the entire area to its Victorian splendour. Hundreds of volunteers, along with donated goods and services, have seen the overgrown woodland cut back, viewing points rediscovered, art deco benches installed and the Victorian raised garden completely replanted.

The volunteers say the total cost of the work done so far is estimated to be around £200,000. The States put up £13,000 to pay for steel railings around the pools while private and corporate donations along with fundraising events have paid for the rest of the work. 

Further fundraising is planned to pay for additional strengthening work on the Ladies and Children’s Pools too, coupled with a maintenance programme for all four pools.

Sea Donkey

Pictured: Adrian Sarchet in the bathing pools

The gents' pool will reopen this afternoon with an opening ceremony led by volunteer Pat Johnson and the Bailiff.

The first gentleman to swim in the restored pool will be Adrian Sarchet; an endurance swimmer aiming to be one of a handful of people to complete all 'Oceans Sevens' swims which include the English and Catalina Channels.

Pictured: Work on the bathing pools. Image from La Vallette Challenge Facebook page.

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