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Dave Beausire: Five things I would change about Guernsey

Dave Beausire: Five things I would change about Guernsey

Friday 23 February 2018

Dave Beausire: Five things I would change about Guernsey

Friday 23 February 2018

Dave Beausire; who celebrated 30 years in business last year as the owner of Le Mont Saint Garage, is passionate about the island in which he lives and works.

He founded the firm in 1987 and now works alongside his sons Peter and Michael in the family business. Express caught up with him to find out his thoughts on the island and Dave told us what five things he would change about Guernsey.

1: Change the System of Government

"This term has proved the change in the system of Government has not worked and therefore needs reviewing. I would reduce the number of Deputies to 20/25,  introduce island wide voting with something similar to the old Conseillers system whereby those elected to the top bench carry a 6 year term while Deputies run for 4 years and only the top bench can be president of a committee.

"Whether party politics is considered could be an option as it might form a way to assist people in their decision when voting if several are on the same mandates. Currently there are too many personal crusades to push things through that are not for the benefit of the island as a whole and is costing too much time and money.  Debates go on for too long and should be limited by time for each speaker, as they say if you can’t fit it on to an A4 piece of paper it’s probably not worth reading or listening to. Guernsey is a beautiful place to live and work but we are making the running of it so complicated and time is running out on many of my issues, do we need to see another wasted term of government go by? People ask for business leaders to enter the political stage and we have seen some of the best who have stepped away due to how things are run and the back stabbing that goes on. It was thought paying politicians would bring quality but instead its brought 'career polititions' that are more interested in staying the course than changing its direction, how long before the people have had enough?"  

States entrance

Pictured: States chamber entrance

2: Travel Links

"This is a disaster that never improves. Condor have let the islands down and to have committed to them for ten years with what I see as little or no chance of any clause to withdraw is one of the worst decisions ever made by the States. Airlines demand excessive prices take advantage of school holidays to increase them further and in the case of Aurigny lose money year on year. What regional airline would run so many different types of planes meaning you can’t have all pilots and crew being able to operate all aircrafts and then to buy a jet when it is known throughout the airline industry a lease option is better, that was another crazy decision.

"Travel links will make or break us and after two years into this term nothing is being done to resolve this for the benefit of both personal and business travel and it’s not something that can wait any longer to resolve."

Aurigny Jet landing

Pictured: Aurigny jet landing

3: Red tape

"The system of government and business is drowning in red tape and adopting laws from the UK and Europe that we could do without. Managing Directors started HR departments and in a lot of cases these have grown to the point that the MD’s don’t really know what they do other than produce endless paperwork, form filling and box ticking but no productivity for the company or in layman’s terms not bringing the cash in."

"We have more law officers that a town ten times our size and no one questions it maybe it’s time now to do so. Success requires quick thinking prompt decisions and the ability to adapt to changes but the endless red tape is holding back government and business in 2018 that would make people from three decades ago laugh at us...and we call it progress!"

Red tape.png

Pictured: Red tape and paperwork

4: Environment

"My industry (motor that is) has cleaned its act up over the last decade in regard to emissions. Diesel currently is taking the worst of the criticism at present, but what everyone forgets is that Blair’s Labour Government pushed diesel use due to an inaccurate report they commissioned, and now the blame lays at the feet of the public for driving them.

"Electric vehicle use is gaining momentum but only accounts for 1% of new sales in the UK last year, and the elephant in room is, while politicians push for it, no western infrastructure could cope with even a 10% turn to electric vehicles. Be assured, the manufacturers will cope if the increase comes but to have a desire for it means to be ready for the demand. Fitting fast chargers by government, which means its more than your standard electric point required, and our infrastructure would not cope at present, because if it could maybe we would be seeing Electric buses on island."

electric car

Pictured: Electric car

5: Taxes

"We cannot keep taxing middle earners and local businesses as we have done since the introduction of Zero-10. This tax structure has failed and it was sold to us as great for Guernsey bringing in untold wealth and business to the island which it has not. I am a great believer in 'earn in Guernsey, pay your tax in Guernsey' principle and while we have to attract businesses here to allow them a zero tax regime is not sustainable and needs revisiting.

"We contiually hear from politicians Europe this and Europe that, we are not and never have been in Europe does Monaco, Switzaland worry about Europe? no they operate independantly and take advantage of their position then why don’t we."


Pictured: Tax depicted

Pictured main image: David Beausire 



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