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HSC: No need for a working group or helplines

HSC: No need for a working group or helplines

Sunday 26 May 2024

HSC: No need for a working group or helplines

Sunday 26 May 2024

HSC has reiterated its stance that the current covid vaccines are safe - and says that it does not support a local doctor's call for a Working Group and dedicated helplines in response to safety concerns.

The committee had to reply to a series of formal questions submitted by Deputy Lester Queripel following the recent publication of a letter sent by Dr Dean Patterson to the General Medical Council.

He had used that letter to the GMC to offer his support to another doctor who believes the covid-19 vaccines may have contributed to a fatal heart condition suffered by his father, and others.

Dr Patterson's letter in support of Dr Aseem Malhotra, has been published online and can be read in full HERE.

His letter also called on the GMC to set up a working group to investigate the safety of covid-19 vaccines, a helpline to support doctors afraid of speaking out with safety concerns, a helpline to support vaccine injured patients, and a panel for open discussion and reporting of the concerns raised.


Pictured: Dr Dean Patterson's letter to the Chair of Executive Board of The General Medical Council was published earlier this year. 

Dr Patterson has been an outspoken critic of the way the covid pandemic was managed and the vaccines issued to try and curtail it.

HSC and the MSG - of which he is a Partner - have both consistently distanced themselves from his views and have also said they are confident in the safety of the vaccines and that the local vaccination programme has their full support. 

Now, Deputy Queripel has shone a light on the topic again, through some Rule 14 written questions to HSC, which they had to respond to in writing.

He wanted to know whether concerns over the covid vaccines are acknowledged, and whether HSC agrees with Dr Patterson that a working group of health professionals, the helplines and the panel be set up.


Pictured: Deputy Lester Queripel.

HSC has said that "the Committee remains confident in the current system in place to monitor vaccine safety and efficacy at a national level and that Public Health Services is well-placed to keep the Committee informed in this regard".

The committee also said that "the safety and efficacy of all vaccines used within the national Covid-19 vaccination programme is regularly reviewed by the JCVI".

Anyone who feels they may have experienced an adverse reaction to any medication is encouraged by HSC to report it via the Yellow Card scheme. This same reporting system is open to recipients of the medication and their formal or informal carers.

HSC says that "on this basis, the Committee is not in agreement as regards the need for a Working Group and dedicated helplines. However, it will be for the GMC to respond to Dr Patterson’s suggestions."

The Rule 14 questions and answers can be read in full HERE


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