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Bright tights for a bright brunch

Bright tights for a bright brunch

Friday 14 October 2022

Bright tights for a bright brunch

Friday 14 October 2022

Having showcased her sense of style since moving to the island, the Lieutenant Governor's wife has now put her best foot forward to support one of the brightest fundraising events in the Bailiwick's calendar.

A brunch, held at Government House yesterday, saw members of the Bright Tights committee join Louise Cripwell for the launch of this year's Bright Tights Day.

Bright Tights day this year is on Friday 4 November.

The committee hopes that workplaces, businesses, and all other organisations will hold their own breakfast events to raise awareness of gynaecological cancers.

Further information and a downloadable pack for hosting a Bright Tights breakfast are on the charity's website or its helpline number is 07781434550.

Mrs Cripwell said she was pleased to have been asked to be involved this year.

“I am very pleased to be able to host the Bright Tights Charity in this way as it is such an important topic.

"We all need to be aware of signs to look out for and to know about what we can do to prevent these cancers. I and some of the staff will all be wearing our bright tights to show our support”

bright tights 2022

Pictured: As well as the staff and guests donning their bright tights, Mrs Cripwell's dog wanted to join in the fun.

The Chair of the Bright Tights charity, Mrs Pat Child said it was wonderful to have the support from Mrs Cripwell this year.

“We are delighted that Mrs Cripwell offered to host our launch breakfast this year. Bright Tights day is a really important date in our calendar as it gives the opportunity to highlight the signs and symptoms of the five different gynaecological cancers and also the support we can offer to those who have been affected."

The five main gynaecological cancers are ovarian, cervical, womb, vulval and vaginal.

Vulval cancer is one of the least talked about gynaecological cancers said Dr Amir Khan this week, as he shared this video with symptoms to look out for. 

Bright Tights advises that ways to reduce the risk of developing gynaecological cancer include:

• Stopping smoking - Women who smoke are about twice as likely as non-smokers to get cervical cancer.
• Eating a healthy diet containing whole grains like wholegrain bread and cereals, beans, pulses, and plenty of fruits and vegetables.
• Being physically active
• Going for regular screening and attending when invited for HPV vaccination.

Pictured top: Mrs Cripwell with guests and staff at Government House for the Bright Tights day launch.


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