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BITE BACK: La Baguette

BITE BACK: La Baguette

Tuesday 23 July 2024

BITE BACK: La Baguette

Tuesday 23 July 2024

Sometimes life gets so busy that a quick snack is all you need to keep you moving. In between school pick ups, activity drop offs, work meetings, and doing some actual work, Harry had a hole that only a baguette could fill.

Driving from that school that is not a Grammar School any more, towards another school that is now something else, Harry approached La Baguette.

It’s a truly uninspiring building really. It presumably used to be a house...but the signs are clear about its current purpose: WE SELL BAGUETTES is what the signage all screams.

Harry timed his arrival well, considering it wasn’t planned out at all.

There were a few gaps in the car park – not any room to manouevre mind you, but some gaps none-the-less.

La Baguette

Pictured: La Baguette screams its wares with eye catching signs extolling that it sells baguettes. 

Squeezing the Smiles-mobile in alongside two other cars, I dispatched Harry-junior to buy the goods. Harry in disguise as Harriette if you like.

Waiting in the car, I observed other patrons coming and going...a pair of hungry scaffolders bedecked in heavy looking boots and high viz vests, a tree surgeon with a utility belt around his waist, a very slow-moving mature lady, and a horde of teenagers.

With the sixth form centre so very close it must be high on the students’ list of lunchtime destinations. They appeared to be counting out coins...perhaps their parents don’t put enough cash on their cards to enable them to buy baguettes every day?

My baguette arrived so I gave those hungry teens no further thought and instead started to consider how I might be able to safely leave the car park.

La Baguette is quite visibly a popular business – the car park is now chockablock with work vehicles, cars, and people. A nifty little three-point turn ensued and I was able to drive out rather than reverse out, and we headed off towards the Rue Cohu filter. This is important to note because I think the other exit was entirely blocked – a further sign of how popular La Baguette is with passing traffic.

The smell emanating from the two paper parcels was divine...a heady mix of hot sausage and warm tuna. That actually sounds quite gross, but I smelt divine.

The Hot Dog and Tuna Melt cost a mere £9.50 and the smell was almost worth it alone, but I was actually hungry so we needed to stop and eat.

la baguette

Pictured: Hot, crunchy, tasty, stuffed-full baguettes were a winner for our dinner on the move. 

I asked young Harriette for a verdict on the Hot Dog and it was as follows:

“The baguette was warm and crunchy. The sausage was nice. The ketchup was nice. It was nice”.

Following that is tricky, but I’ll try:

The Tuna Melt was more satisfying that I had expected. The baguette was stuffed full of warm tuna with chopped up spring onions mixed in, and melted cheese on top. The filling could have easily been spread across two baguettes – but admittedly, then it might not have been so satisfying.

It’s safe to say our pit stop at La Baguette served its purpose well.


Two satisfied baguette fans agreed “it was nice”.

This article first appeared in the July edition of CONNECT, Express' sister publication. 

The latest edition of CONNECT can be read HERE.


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