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20 years of stitching...

20 years of stitching...

Friday 24 May 2024

20 years of stitching...

Friday 24 May 2024

The journey that a local artist has been on, and her ongoing personal development, is showcased in the upcoming exhibition at The Greenhouse Gallery.

Hayley Mallett's ’20 Years of Stitching’ documents her artistic journey that began in local Arts Education at the College of Further Education.

Guernsey Arts says it "showcases the creativity which is ever growing on island and continues to thrive in our creative communities".

“Hayley’s story presented within ‘20 Years of Stitching’ gives an insight into the journey taken as a local artist," said Jared Fox, Visual Design and Communications at Guernsey Arts.

"It is an inspiration to developing artists at any stage in their journey and especially inspirational to students who may wish to professionalise within the arts. Hayley is able to balance work as an artist with that of being a commercial gallery manager and framer, which is very inspirational.”


Pictured: The exhibition is open now.

Born and raised locally, Hayley is already known for her textile and mixed media artworks.

Her artistic journey started with the Art and Design National Diploma foundation at the College of Further Education, where she honed her skills before venturing to Falmouth University to pursue Textile Design.

Returning to the island after graduating, Hayley partnered with her father on his framing business and now runs Sula Framing and Gallery.

Beyond the gallery, Hayley's artistic flair extends to bespoke commissions, collaborating with local communities and also abroad, notably luxury fashion company ‘Asferi’ based in the US.

She describes her own work as: “a kaleidoscope of colours that evoke the beauty of the natural world, nature standing as her muse”.

As part of the exhibition, Guernsey Arts is hosting a series of talks, tours, and workshops with the artist within the gallery space for all to benefit.

School or community groups, corporate workshops or membership inquiries are welcomed, said Guernsey Arts.

The exhibition will be open every day between 10:00 and 17:00 at Candie Museum.

Standard museum rates apply, however the exhibition is free to enter with a Discovery Pass or as a member of Guernsey Arts.

Price lists of the artworks are available upon request - a commission will be retained to fund the ongoing work of the gallery.

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