In November the Sunflower Project took part in the national campaign for Children’s Grief Awareness Week 2021(CGAW) to amplify the voices of bereaved children and highlight the benefit of support by hearing directly from the children and young people themselves. The Sunflower Project is part of the Youth Commission for Guernsey and Alderney and provides support for those who are dealing with a death in the family.
Word clouds were created out of feedback from local bereaved children as part of the CGAW 2021. Mair Skillett from the Sunflower Project said ‘The Child Bereavement Network designed eye catching posters to sum up how the children we work with felt about the service. We then took the word clouds to the secondary schools for CGAW and asked what young people thought bereavement support should be and to ensure that everyone is aware of what is available. It was really interesting talking to so many students and now we have this amazing word cloud that has been created from their responses.’
Denise Ozanne (Sunflower Project) explained that ‘the Week had been a chance for the Sunflower Project in Guernsey to join with child bereavement charities across the UK to show solidarity with grieving children, young people, and their families.’ Gail Precious from the Childhood Bereavement Network said ‘We know that there are many more children and young people who are dealing with grief because someone close to them has died during the last year. We wanted bereaved children and young people to #saythewords about what support has meant to them, highlight the difference support can make and while it was not primarily a fundraising week we hope that …it will help to raise funds for these services.’ Charlie Cox (CEO of Youth Commission) said ‘The Sunflower Project is entirely funded by charitable donations, and we are immensely grateful to our community for the amazing support. We have been working to increase the opportunities for bereaved children to get together with others experiencing a similar loss to show them that they are not alone and that they can still have good fun.’
If anyone would like further information about the Sunflower Project, please contact us at the Youth Commission. Email: or call 226099.