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Media Release

Newborn Baby Hats Appeal, Gratitude

Newborn Baby Hats Appeal, Gratitude

Thursday 16 March 2023

Newborn Baby Hats Appeal, Gratitude

MEDIA RELEASE: The views expressed in this article are those of the author and not Bailiwick Express, and the text is reproduced exactly as supplied to us

Newborn Baby Hats Appeal, spread the gratitude messages, received from Ukraine and Latvia

1. “Twelve months ago, on 9th March 2022, the Stand with Ukraine, Newborn baby hats was "born". My original idea was to send 20 self-knitted baby hats to Ukraine. It occurred to me that maybe someone else would like to join this shipment. After the annoncement in local media, a "whole avalanche" of responses started to flood in. I can say that I never imagined that 12 months later we would still be knitting, crocheting, sewing, packing, sending, that we would be saying “good-bye” and “thank you” to some cooperation partners and saying “hello” to new ones. I could not have foreseen that twelve months later I would be writing these lines, unable to find the right words to express my gratitude to the people of Guernsey for their trust, generosity and the most human empathy with the people of Ukraine. I could not have imagined that we would develop the closest cooperation with Perinatal centers and charitable organizations both in Ukraine and Latvia. I could not have imagined that in one year we would send 16,000 handmade items to the smallest Ukrainian newborns and their families. Today we, Newborn Baby Hats Appeal, are exactly one year old. From the bottom of my heart, I congratulate everyone who has not been indifferent, has devoted time, love, knowledge to this project! Thank you!”

Lilita Krūze Founder
Newborn Baby Hats Appeal

2. “A great calamity befell Ukraine - war came to our land. The whole world united in helping Ukrainians. During the first year of the war, our Perinatal Center went through a lot of shocks: an airstrike, a power outage, and lack of warmth. We want to dedicate this post of gratitude to the wonderful people from the Newborn Baby Hats Appeal, from the island of Guernsey, Channel Islands, who did not remain indifferent to the trauma of the Ukrainian people and helped us with all of their might. We received so much humanitarian aid in the form of knitted items for newborns. We were impressed by your care, generosity, concern, tireless work and love. In fact, no words are enough to fully express our gratitude to you. Your support gives us strength to survive in such difficult times! Thank you for all of your help which we are sure brings the Day of Victory over the terrible enemy ever closer.”

Olena Astreiko,
Director Zhytomyr Regional Perinatal Centre

3. “Dear People of Guernsey!

Over the last twelve months, we have received so many wonderful handicrafts showing so much invested love, care, sincerity and support from you. We, the “Labdarības Lapa” team, our Ukrainian "refugees", Ukrainian residents in Ukraine and children and parents of our own Latvian Children's Clinical University Hospital send you an indescribably big and heartfelt “thank you” for your very beautiful work. Together with hygiene products and other items for babies, they warm many big and small hearts!

We have been so touched by Lilita’s and your care from such a far country, always opening parcels delivered by DHL couriers with happiness and smiles! Often our Ukrainian girls held their breath with excitement. How proud and full of joy our Aunt Luba was when she received the donated yarn and knitting needles, she could tell you again and again about the joy you have brought! 

A warm thank you to each and every one of you, for the time invested, for your kind hearts and minds, for thinking about us here in Latvia and Ukraine.”

“Labdarības Lapa”
Charitable organisation

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