The GSPCA has taken rapid steps and have continued working in a safe manner since the second wave of the pandemic.
The GSPCA, as an essential service, is operating for animals in need but please do not go to the shelter unless it is an emergency. Please call instead on 01481 257261 before your visit to speak to a member of the team to ensure the charity can minimise any risks and explain its social distancing procedures in place.
All events, dog training and non essential services have ceased at this time and will be reviewed inline with States of Guernsey recommendations.
Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said “We have been working with many safety procedures in place due to our frontline work and today that has been heightened due to news of lockdown.”
“Throughout the pandemic we have had social distance measures in place and we now have reverted to additional procedures we had back in March of last year.”
“We are only operating with essential staff and volunteers and we are working to ensure we provide the care and emergency service required 24/7.”
“It is extremely important you do not visit the GSPCA at this time unless essential and please call before your visit on 257261 to speak to a team member so we can discuss procedures and see if we can resolve the enquiry without having to visit.”
“Our ambulance service is still operating but only call them out in case of an emergency and we will be operating with social distancing and will be using appropriate protective clothing.”
“For those looking to adopt you can still fill in the online forms on our website and reserving animals for new homes, but we are not rehoming at this time and will review on a daily basis.”
“All dog training and events are postponed at this time and will of course keep everyone up to date.”
“For those with an essential reason to visit the GSPCA you will find a video doorbell to ring at the front of reception where we have sanitiser and other items to help with the hand over of any sick or ill animals and please follow the instructions from the team respecting social distancing.”
“You can email any queries on but please be patient with us at this difficult time.”
“With such difficult times we really need your support and to donate to our work and the care of these seals and other animals please call 01481 257261, at the GSPCA, Rue des Truchots, St Andrews, Guernsey GY6 8UD or online .”