On Friday 8th December 2 staff gave up a day in the office to help out at the GSPCA.
Sharon Williams from BNP Paribus said, “I enjoyed my day volunteering at the GSPCA.”
“I got to walk some of the dogs and socialising some of the cats looking to be re-homed.”
“What a great way to spend the day - it beats writing minutes!!!!”
Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said, “On Friday 8th December 2 wonderful staff from BNP Paribas helped out at the GSPCA.”
“This year BNP Paribas have helped in many ways over the years from donations to supporting our events and we always love to hear from those keen to support our work.”
“Working with our senior team members Seb and Ali they helped especially on kennels and the cattery and we are hugely grateful.”
“There are many ways to support our work such as our 150th Year Ball on Saturday 10th February we are still looking for some sponsors and also have a few tables left so a great way to get your business supporting our 24/7 work.”
“For those from those who want to give CSR time and skills to those wanting to help sponsor or support something from our Wish List http://www.gspca.org.gg/about/our-plans-wish-list .”
“If your group or business would like to find out about spending a day at the Shelter please go to -
http://www.gspca.org.gg/about/corporate-and-group-days “
“For other ways your business can help us here at the GSPCA please go to -
http://www.gspca.org.gg/about/how-your-business-can-help-gspca-corporate-sponsorship “
“If you would like to volunteer then to find out more details here -
http://www.gspca.org.gg/about/volunteers “
“As well as volunteering BNP Paribas have decorated their reception for the GSPCA 150th celebrations and they have also become an Exclusive Build Partner to help our much-needed Wildlife Hospital become a reality.”
“If you or your business would like to become an Exclusive Build Partner please get in touch by calling 257261, emailing steve@gspca.org.gg popping in, or checking out http://www.gspca.org.gg/page/gspca-exclusive-build-partner .”
Tim Pellett GSPCA Community and Training Officer said “The team from BNP Paribus were amazing help once again this month having helped earlier in the year.”
“In June they helped with gardening, planting, painting, baby bird feeds, washing our ambulances, and fixing ceiling tiles they were amazing help and even funded some of the items needed at the end they finished with a mini tour as well, and this month helped with the animals and popping decals on the cat pen doors.”
To visit the BNP Paribas website please go to https://channelislands.bnpparibas.com/en/contacts-2/
Steve continued “There are many ways you can help support our vital 24/7 work and donate or raise funds for the hundreds of animals in our care.”
“This year is our 150th celebrations and to get involved with lots of ways to support our work please visit https://www.gspca.org.gg/page/gspca-celebrating-150-years .”
“To make a donation or support our BIGGEST BUILD Appeal please check out https://www.gspca.org.gg/blog/biggest-appeal-ever-gspca-big-build-appeal-buy-brick-build-brighter-future-animals-guernsey .”
“We also have our 150th Ball on the 10th of February with some amazing acts and speakers and to find out more please visit https://www.gspca.org.gg/blog/book-now-main-entertainment-announced-gspca-150-year-ball-during-gspca-purple-week-saturday-10t .”
“With over 100 hedgehogs, 4 seal pups, loggerhead turtles, dogs, cats, rabbits, ferrets, fish, reptiles, and many birds we help over 3000 animals through the doors every year.”
“If you would like to support our Amazon Wish List and see lists of items that we use every day and things that we are appealing for.”
“If would like to help with wish list items you can call us at 01481 25721 or email admin@gspca.org.gg the easy way to see many items we need is by going to our Amazon Wish List https://www.amazon.co.uk/hz/wishlist/ls/25MJPPDAGXHL1?type=WishList .”
“We do promote buying items locally but shopping online can help raise funds at the same time as if you select the GSPCA through easy fundraising part of the amount through 1000 online retailers comes back to the GSPCA and it has raised over £2500.”
“To sign up to do this please visit http://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/guernseyspca/?u=1CHID8 .”
“As mentioned you can always choose to donate via local stores and the Amazon Wish List is a shop front showing some of the items we need but there are many others and we have published these on our Wish List page http://www.gspca.org.gg/about/our-plans-wish-list .”
“A gift of a tiny bowl costing less than £1 to a £600 intensive care unit, every donation is hugely appreciated and makes the team smile that there are those that care and want to support our work.”
“Another amazing way to support our work is by just a couple of pounds each month can make a massive difference in helping the animals in our care to find out more please go to http://www.gspca.org.gg/sites/default/files/Angel%20sponsor%20form%20special%202018%20new.pdf .”
“To donate you can go to https://giving.gg/donate/charity/2/Guernsey-Society-for-the-Prevention-of-Cruelty-to-Animals-(GSPCA) .”
“We couldn’t do so much without your support.”