We celebrate our 150 year history this year and we couldn’t do so much without our incredible team of staff, volunteers and supporters.
Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said “We have never been so busy as we have been in current years and with plans of new builds to meeting every day demands we are currently recruiting for additional team members at the GSPCA.”
“Sadly some of our fantastic staff are off for new adventures and we are looking to recruit those keen to help animals, make a difference and support our community.”
“We truly wish them well, but this gives the opportunity for those looking to start a career in animal care at the GSPCA.”
“Every day we help save lives and support our community in a vast array of ways as we have done for 150 years.”
“If a paid post isn’t what you are looking for we are always recruiting volunteers and please do get in touch if you are interested.”
“With over 300 animals in our care at anytime there is always plenty to do and as Spring approaches we are already getting busier.”
“To apply for a paid position please download the application pack below, call 257261 and we can post one out, email admin@gspca.org.gg or pop in to collect a pack.”
"All this year we are celebrating 150 years and there are many ways to get involved - https://www.gspca.org.gg/page/gspca-celebrating-150-year ."
We are currently advertising for additional staff members at the GSPCA and we are looking for the following:
- Full Time Animal Care Assistant Post with Night Duties
- Weekend Hedgehog & Wildlife Assistant
- Weekend Cattery Assistant
- Weekend Receptionist (various hours available)
- Weekend Maintenance and Animal Ambulance
- Casual Animal Care Assistant and Receptionists
We have some departments that require specific help on weekends especially the hedgehog and wildlife areas, the cattery, reception on Saturdays and help with maintenance and the animal ambulance.
If you would like to apply for a vacancy to download a pack please click here https://www.gspca.org.gg/sites/default/files/application_ACA_pack_Feb%202023.pdf .
You can also get a pack sent out by popping in, calling 01481 257261 or email admin@gspca.org.gg
All applicants are required to complete an application form which is included in the pack and return it to the GSPCA, Rue des Truchots, St Andrews, Guernsey, GY6 8UD or email steve@gspca.org.gg
The volunteer age for inductions is now from 16 years and up and we have opportunities in all parts of our activities here at the GSPCA.
From helping with our busy ambulance service to walking dogs, our full cattery to our packed rabbit and small animal department, over 100 hedgehogs to over 30 reptiles, gardening to helping on reception.
Next Induction dates set are:
Wednesday 29th March 2023 - Volunteer Induction Evening
Wednesday 31st May 2023 - Volunteer Induction Evening
Wednesday 12th July 2023 – Volunteer Induction Evening
Wednesday 13th September 2023 - Volunteer Induction Evening
Wednesday 25th October 2023 - Volunteer Induction Evening
Wednesday 22nd November 2023 – Volunteer Induction Evening
If you can’t make it and would like to become a volunteer please download and return the following application form to stevejbyrne@gspca.org.gg and we can arrange a remote induction http://www.gspca.org.gg/sites/default/files/Volunteer%20Application%20Au...
For a PDF application chrome - extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/viewer.html?pdfurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.gspca.org.gg%2Fsites%2Fdefault%2Ffiles%2FVolunteer%2520Application%2520Aug%25202021.pdf&clen=67366&chunk=true