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CISE CEO named in Citywealth Power Women list

CISE CEO named in Citywealth Power Women list

Wednesday 06 January 2016

CISE CEO named in Citywealth Power Women list

MEDIA RELEASE: The views expressed in this article are those of the author and not Bailiwick Express, and the text is reproduced exactly as supplied to us

Fiona Le Poidevin, CEO of the Channel Islands Securities Exchange (CISE), has been named in The Citywealth 2015 IFC Power Women Top 200.

The list honours 200 of the most powerful women in government, private wealth, private client advisory, education and philanthropy across the International Financial Centres.

Mrs Le Poidevin, who took the helm at the CISE at the start of 2015, has now featured in each edition.

She said: “I’m pleased to be included on this list once again. It has been an exciting year with a number of significant achievements but there is also much more to come in the year ahead and that includes talking to the wealth management community about how their clients may utilise listed products in the future.”

Trade publication Citywealth describes those included on its list as powerful women from diverse backgrounds who are trailblazers in their field, helping to promote business excellence in their home jurisdiction and consolidating the reputation of the financial services industry globally.

“Congratulations to the women who made the list this year. By highlighting their achievements we aim to remove barriers for their continued achievement and pave the way for others to follow in their success,” said Karen Jones, Founder and CEO of Citywealth.

Mrs Le Poidevin also received an award at the Citywealth Power Women Lunch 2014 for her role in promoting Guernsey’s finance industry during her time as Chief Executive of Guernsey Finance.

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