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Software Developer joins Cortex Technologies

Software Developer joins Cortex Technologies

Thursday 19 September 2024

Software Developer joins Cortex Technologies

Thursday 19 September 2024

Cortex Technologies has welcomed Bence Nyitrai to its development team.

The University of Huddersfield student is studying Web Programming with Cybersecurity and has relocated to Guernsey to gain practical experience in the software development industry as part of his degree course.

“I was looking for a company where I could not only develop my C# and Blazor skills but get practical experience in a highly accustomed development team.

“Cortex came highly recommended, and after meeting the team, I knew this role was exactly what I was looking for. Cortex has already proven to be the right place for me, as I've learned a ton, and it’s only my first week.”

He will initially be working on an existing project to re-architect, Cortex’s Guernsey-focused web portal before moving on to other parts of the suite.

Matt Champion, delivery lead at Cortex, said: “We're excited to have Bence on board and what he can bring to the team.

“We’ve thrown him in at the deep end, and he’s coping brilliantly. And, naturally, he committed code on his first day.”

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