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Community Foundation take up OSA shop for final awards push

Community Foundation take up OSA shop for final awards push

Wednesday 05 September 2018

Community Foundation take up OSA shop for final awards push

Wednesday 05 September 2018

The Guernsey Community Foundation are occupying the OSA pop-up shop on Smith Street for the final week of nominations in the Community Awards 2018.

There is still some time to nominate for the awards, which are taking place for the eight time in St James on Tuesday 13 November.

Organisers are pleased with the number of nominations so far received, but want to encourage islanders who haven’t submitted a nomination to do so before Wednesday 12 September. 

Jim Roberts, Community Foundation Chief Executive, said: "We are very proud of the Community Awards, our flagship event, which highlights the vital work being carried out in service to the community by individuals, charitable organisations and businesses . By nature, a lot of the good work goes on under the radar, and the Community Awards are a wonderful way of bringing it to the public’s attention.

"We’d encourage everyone to help celebrate the success of the charitable sector by nominating an individual, team, business or charity for one of the seven awards up for grabs. And we’d remind those hoping for a nomination that they can also nominate themselves – if you’re proud of what you do and what you’ve achieved, put yourself forward for an award.”

Seven awards will be presented at the afternoon tea event:

Charity of the Year– sponsored by State Street 
Fundraising Team of the Year– sponsored by Cazenove Capital 
Outstanding Individual Achievementsponsored by PwC Channel Islands
Innovation Award– sponsored by Specsavers
Organising Committee of the Year– sponsored by RG Falla
CSR Award– sponsored by RBC Wealth Management
Youth Award– sponsored by Guernsey Electricity

Nominating can make a huge difference to someone in recognising and celebrating their contributions to the community.  The winner of last year’s Youth Award, Katie Sheppard, wrote: 

“When I found out I had been nominated for the Youth Award I was so incredibly shocked and honoured, especially as my fellow nominees had done such amazing work. Just being nominated for the award was so humbling and truly touching. To anybody considering nominating someone for this award, I would definitely encourage them to do so. It will mean more to the nominee than you will ever know. 

"For most, opportunities for recognition and praise are few and far between, but this offers an amazing opportunity to commend some of the incredible work the young people of Guernsey do.” 

From the 3 to the 7 of September the Foundation will be taking over the OSA Pop-Up Shop on Smith Street. It has plenty of nomination forms and are very happy to assist people with the nominations process, or chat about the Community Awards generally. 

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