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AI insights shared with future leaders

AI insights shared with future leaders

Friday 12 July 2024

AI insights shared with future leaders

Friday 12 July 2024

The Institute of Directors’ Next Gen Forum has closed its four-part AI series, capping off a set of workshops dedicated to generative artificial intelligence (GenAI).

Throughout these events, industry-leading speakers explored the complexities of AI, shedding light on its opportunities and risks.

Euan Melrose, a member of the IoD Next Gen Committee, said attendees gained essential knowledge on managing AI-driven changes and received practical advice on integrating AI into their business strategies.

"The AI series has been highly successful and well-attended, allowing us to engage a diverse group of attendees across the island. Our aim for the series was to provide a bit of a journey through GenAI, understanding what it actually is, what systems it is currently being adopted through and culminating in how the technology is being utilised by business in Guernsey.

“Personally, I am excited about the transformative potential of AI, which will bring significant operational changes in the coming years. It's imperative for organisations and boards to integrate AI into their strategic planning and ensure that future leaders are actively involved in these crucial conversations."

Pictured top: The IoD Next Generation series on AI recently concluded. 

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