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Women’s Island Golf Championship down to final four

Women’s Island Golf Championship down to final four

Friday 31 May 2024

Women’s Island Golf Championship down to final four

Friday 31 May 2024

Four names remain in the frame to win the DJW Prestige Vehicle Sourcing Women’s Island Golf Championship.

It is semi-final time this afternoon at L’Ancresse to decide who progresses to Sunday’s clash to decide the title.

Chloe Gaudion plays Sally Ingrouille from 3pm and they will be followed out onto the course by Lily McNeela and Di Stenner.

While Ingrouille sailed through her quarter final with a 5&4 win against Di Hudson, the other games were much tighter affairs.

Gaudion beat May Bate and McNeela overcame Di Aitchison on the 19th, while it took another hole to separate Stenner from Veronica Bougourd.


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