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GOLF: Teenager McKenna holds his nerve to take Guernsey crown after match for the ages

GOLF: Teenager McKenna holds his nerve to take Guernsey crown after match for the ages

Tuesday 28 May 2024

GOLF: Teenager McKenna holds his nerve to take Guernsey crown after match for the ages

Tuesday 28 May 2024

Conor McKenna is the new Island Men’s Champion after a scintillating final at L’Ancresse.

The 17-year-old had to sink a birdie on the 36th to take the game against Jeremy Nicolle to extra holes.

The pair halved the next four, before McKenna won the tournament in dramatic style on the 41st.

Nicolle made steady progress on the early holes in breezy conditions.

He was four up after 13, but McKenna came back into the game and ended the morning session two behind.

The pair traded holes as the afternoon play got rolling, and by the 23rd hole things were all square.

Nicolle won the 25th, but McKenna hit back straight away to square things up.

Again Nicolle took a one hole lead, and again the youngster came back at him a few holes later.

On the 31st, McKenna was ahead for the first time in the afternoon and this time it was Nicolle digging deep to reply in the very next hole and then pull away by taking the 33rd.

Back came McKenna to level things on 34, but when Nicolle won the penultimate regulation hole it became a real test of nerve and one that his opponent was up to.

McKenna will now go on to compete for the CI title.

The Guernsey Ladies and Junior championships are now under way.

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