Friday 27 September 2024
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Work slowly grinds on opening a tuna fishery in Guernsey’s waters

Work slowly grinds on opening a tuna fishery in Guernsey’s waters

Thursday 26 September 2024

Work slowly grinds on opening a tuna fishery in Guernsey’s waters

Thursday 26 September 2024

An application that would pave the way for a tuna fishery to open in Guernsey waters is making slow progress.

Economic Development President Neil Inder said the island had made an application to join ICCAT (the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunes), which if accepted is the path to establishing a fishery for Atlantic Bluefin Tuna that have become increasingly abundant in recent years.

"These things take a while for them to accept our application," he told the States.

If accepted, it is likely Guernsey would then get the quota allocation from within the UK's, which this year was around 63 tonnes.

"It won't be this year, obviously, the next president of Economic Development may be having [this discussion] these are very slow processes."

ICCAT membership would only permit catch and release for monitoring purposes, rather than catch and kill, the States heard.

Deputy Inder said it would be problematic and expensive for fishing boats to be of the standards needed to get the fish to market anyway.

"My guess is it's more likely to be catch and release and the opportunities for a great fishing area for boating anglers."

Jersey is also making moves to establish a tuna fishery.

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